For internal market, Stephen Brawer holds an optimistic attitude towards the 2025, the year of the snake, that will have ...
Successful cartoonist Lisa and her siblings gather at their parents' farm for the first time in over a decade. Her parents want only one of them to inherit the forest, which has been in the family for ...
Left to their own devices by their absent mother, Laura and her two sisters revel in the excitement of freedom. However, when Laura receives a call that threatens to place them in foster care, she sea ...
此次交易是早期买方购买目标公司 80% 股份所应付对价的一部分。早期出售事项的总对价为 2.4 亿瑞典克朗,其中 1.8 亿瑞典克朗以现金支付,剩余的 6000 万瑞典克朗以发行本票方式支付。
恒大汽车(708)今午发公告宣布,以6,000万瑞典克朗(约4,378万港元)出售瑞典附属公司National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB(NEVS)馀下20%股权,并以3,000万瑞典克朗(约2,189万港元),出售本金总额为6,000万瑞典克朗(约4,378万港元)的本票,总对价相等于6,567万港元;完成后,总出售亏损或达2,380万瑞典克朗(约1,737万港元)。
观点网讯: 2月25日,恒大汽车在港交所公告,公司的间接全资附属公司国能电动汽车瑞典National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB(NEVS)已于2024年11月25日订立20%股份协议及本票出售协议,拟向Logistikfastigheter i Trollhättan AB出售AB Trollhättan Propellern 13 ...
恒大汽车 ( 0.189, -0.00, -2.07%) (00708)公布,于2024年11月25日,公司的间接全资附属National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB拟向Logistikfastigheter i Trollhättan AB出售AB Trollhättan Propellern 13 ...
恒大汽车(00708.HK)公布,旗下间接全资附属National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB於去年11月25日订立股份买卖协议。据悉,附属公司同意向Logistikfastigheter i Trollhattan AB出售目标公司「AB Trollhattan Propellern 13」两成股份,总对价为6,000万瑞典克朗(折合约4,378万港元)。另外,附属公司 ...