The prompt ("any key") is not strictly accurate, in that one is required to press a key which generates some sort of character. For the vast majority of computer systems, pressing modifier keys or lock keys would not cause processing to resume, as they do not produce an actual character that the program could detect.
The Gateway AnyKey is a programmable computer keyboard that was sold exclusively [2] by Gateway 2000, Inc., as an option for some of their desktop computers.
Any key, em tradução livre, qualquer tecla, é um histórico alerta ao usuário de que é necessário pressionar qualquer tecla para continuar a operação, geralmente é apresentada na frase "pressione qualquer tecla para continuar". O sistema é …
Any key explained. In computing, "Press any key to continue" (or a similar text) was historically used a prompt to the user when it was necessary to pause processing. The system would resume after the user pressed any keyboard button. History
Fotografija tipkovnice koja je izmijenjena u programu za obradu slika te pokazuje tipku ANY. Kompjuterski programeri su u prošlosti koristili "Press any key to continue" (Pritisnite bilo koju tipku za nastavak) ili neki sličan tekst kao uputa korisniku …
Any key on lähinnä internet-huumorissa esiintyvä kuvitteellinen tietokoneen näppäin. Se juontaa juurensa varhaisissa tietokoneissa esiintyneissä tekstissä ”Press any key to continue” (suom. paina mitä tahansa näppäintä jatkaaksesi).
In computing, "Press any key to continue" (or a similar text) was a historically used prompt to the user when it was necessary to pause processing. The system would resume after the user pressed any keyboard button. Early computers were typically operated using mechanical teleprinters, which provided a continuous printed record of their output.
Computer programmers historically used "Press any key to continue" (or a similar text) as a prompt to the user when it was necessary to pause processing. The system would resume after the user pressed any keyboard button.