Integrate 1/cos(x): Wolfram Alpha Guide - Physics Forums
2009年9月14日 · There are several ways to integrate 1/cosx, or secx; just look on Google. You can try [tex]\frac{1}{cosx}*\frac{cosx}{cosx} = \frac{cosx}{cos^2x} = \frac{cosx}{1-sin ...
Understanding the Trigonometric Identity: cos^2 x = 1/2 + cos(2x)/2
2008年11月27日 · 2cos 2 x=1+cos(2x) cos 2 x=1/2 + cos(2x)/2 . Nov 27, 2008 #5 icystrike. 445 1. leopard said:
So, the real question is:Can (1-cos(npi))=(-1)^(n+1)? - Physics …
2011年12月9日 · The reason I "imagine" that is because I had some sort of logic in my head that said that if sin(npi/2)=something, when n is an odd number than n+1 was going to give me an odd number...
Cos x vs Cos-1: What's the Difference? - Physics Forums
2023年9月9日 · Cos(x) -- with the capital C -- typically represents the restricted-domain cosine function, with the domain being [0, 2pi].
Integral of cos(1/x) dx: Solution - Physics Forums
2023年3月26日 · what is the integral of cos(1/x) dx ?? Physics news on Phys.org . Study demonstrates phase-tunable spin-wave-mediated mutual synchronization of spin Hall nano-oscillators
Prove identity sec^-1(x) = cos^-1(1/x) - Physics Forums
2013年4月8日 · In summary, the attempted proof of the identity sec^-1(x) = cos^-1(1/x) is not correct as it is not a true identity.
If cos(pi*n) = (-1)^n is cos(-pi*n) = (-1)^n - Physics Forums
2017年7月24日 · Homework Statement i wassolving a Fourier series integral, and needed some help if cos(pi*n) = (-1)^n is cos(-pi*n) = (-1)^n ? Homework Equations i think it is because cos is an even function so -x of the function should still remain the same, becuase if you look at the graph and flip...
Easy: given theta, uncertainity on cos(theta) - Physics Forums
2004年12月23日 · Hi, I need to find the uncertainty on cos(theta) given: theta = 5 plus/minus 0.1 degrees what is the uncertainty on cos(theta)?
Answered: Simplify (sin 0 + sin 1 + sin 2+...+… | bartleby
Use the figure to derive the formulas for sin cos and tan sin -- COS Cos e sin 0 1- cos 0 2 Great job. 1 + cos 0 2 tan -9)- sin 0 = cos Need Help? 2 Read It × Fantastic job! Prove the equation /4 Evaluate: (cos 2 0)" cos e de
Illuminated fraction of the Moon - Physics Forums
2011年7月21日 · The phase angle E s is [itex]\frac{t}{T} \cdot 360^o[/itex], where t is the elapsed time since the last full moon and T is the period (elapsed time between full moons, about 29.5 days).