Is the Magic Stone cantrip as terrible as it seems beyond the first ...
2021年6月27日 · Magic Stone scales with Extra Attack. An Armorer or Battle Smith Alchemist can use their Extra Attack feature to throw two magic stones as one action, each doing 1d6+INT on a hit. This easily keeps up with a Firebolt's single 2d10.
dnd 5e 2014 - Does Magic Stone require an action or a bonus …
2019年12月18日 · It might use the "Hurl A Magic Stone" action and not the Attack action. Most things that use up your action don't use one of the pre-listed actions of the PHB but use their own action. As such, it may be that hurling a magic stone does not actually use the Attack action but the "Hurl A Magic Stone action". This would impact some aspects of the ...
How does Magic Stone interact with the Two-Birds Sling?
2021年9月10日 · Magic stone says: Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the stone. So the second (ricochet) attack will be a ranged weapon attack using the usual to hit (+prof+dex+1) and damage (1d4+dex+1) of the sling, not a ranged spell attack and damage of magic stone, because the spell ended on the stone after the first attack.
Are thrown Magic Stones thrown weapons for the purposes of …
2023年10月22日 · Magic Stone says: "You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing it or hurling it with a sling. If thrown, it has a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the pebble, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker’s, to the attack roll.
dnd 5e 2014 - How much damage does a pebble from the Magic …
As the sling attack would be made at a disadvantage after 30 feet. While with throwing the magic stone by hand will allow a ranged spell attack out to 60 feet. If thrown, it has a range of 60 feet. The advantage of using a magic stone with a sling over throwing is to allow an attack with a disadvantaged ranged spell attack roll out to 120 feet.
How does the Magic Stone cantrip interact with Two-Weapon …
2020年11月27日 · The spell magic stone lets you use them as thrown ranged spell attack, or as ammunition for a sling. You can attack twice with Extra Attack, but you cannot attack with Two-Weapon Fighting. If you use them with the sling and have Extra Attack, you don't need to have the throwing fighting style to fire more than one a turn due to the ammunition ...
Is the damage from the Magic Stone cantrip magical?
2017年5月20日 · The cantrip magic stone from the Elemental Evil Player's Companion (p. 20) says: You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with magic. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing it or hurling it with a sling. [...] On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ...
When a familiar with Investment of the chain throws a Magic …
2022年7月26日 · Magic stone allows someone else to make an attack with the pebbles you created and use your modifier for the attack instead of their own. They are still the attacker though, as they are the ones making the attack, the spell is explicit about it. Being able to use your modifier doesn’t change it in any way.
Pact of The Chain Familiar and Magic Stone: can an Imp (or …
2023年3月19日 · On my turn, I cast Magic stone with my bonus action and attack with some other cantrip like Mind Sliver or something. Then on the subsequent turns, I use my bonus action to make the Familiar attack with his reaction by throwing the Magic Stone, and then at the familiar turn, it uses its action to throw another stone.
dnd 5e 2014 - Can a familiar attack with Magic Stone? - Role …
2021年12月15日 · Magic stone does not explicitly grant creatures that cannot attack with rocks a means of attacking with rocks, so a familiar cannot attack with a magic stone. For an example of how the rules make exceptions like this, consider the Nature's Mantle from Tasha's Cauldron of …