Bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract
Bacterial translocation is defined as the passage of viable bacteria from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to extraintestinal sites, such as the mesenteric lymph node complex (MLN), liver, spleen, kidney, and bloodstream. The three primary mechanisms promoting bacterial translocation in animal models …
Bacterial Translocation from the Gut to the Distant Organs: An …
A perturbed gut integrity and permeability ("leaky gut") may lead to microbial (bacterial) translocation, and the eventual leakage of bacteria or their metabolites into the circulation can make the host susceptible to various types of diseases via inducing chronic or …
Mechanisms and consequences of gut commensal translocation …
Bacteria that are normally contained in the gut lumen can gain access to extraintestinal tissues in response to enhanced intestinal permeability and via intrinsic bacterial mechanisms. The capability of bacteria to translocate depends on virulence factors, their abundance and proximity to the epithelial barrier, and their ability to compete ...
Bacterial Translocation from the Gut to the Distant Organs: An …
2017年9月28日 · A perturbed gut integrity and permeability (“leaky gut”) may lead to microbial (bacterial) translocation, and the eventual leakage of bacteria or their metabolites into the circulation can make the host susceptible to various types of diseases via inducing chronic or acute inflammatory response.
Bacterial translocation: Overview of mechanisms and clinical …
Bacterial translocation (BT) is a phenomenon in which live bacteria or its products cross the intestinal barrier. Gut translocation of bacteria has been shown in both animal and human studies. BT and its complications have been shown clearly to occur in animal models, but its existence and importance in humans has been difficult to ascertain.
Current progress of research on intestinal bacterial translocation
2021年3月1日 · Intestinal bacterial translocation plays an important role in the development of extraintestinal diseases. Endogenous infections and endotoxemia caused by intestinal flora and endotoxin translocation are the origins of inflammatory responses.
6 Bacterial translocation in the gut - ScienceDirect
2003年6月1日 · There are multiple possible routes by which an organism can translocate out of the gut to extra-intestinal sites—retrograde migration to the lungs, direct transmural migration across the intestinal wall, lymphatic migration via Peyer's patches, MLNs, the thoracic duct and the systemic circulation—or via vascular channels to reach the portal ...
Bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract
Bacterial translocation is defined as the passage of viable indigenous bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract to extraintestinal sites, such as the mesenteric-lymph-node complex, liver, spleen and bloodstream. Three major mechanisms promote bacterial translocation: intestinal bacterial overgrowth, …
Bacterial Translocation: Mechanisms and Health Implications
2024年10月23日 · Bacterial translocation is influenced by factors such as the integrity of the intestinal barrier, the composition of the gut microbiota, and the host’s immune response. The intestinal epithelium, a single layer of cells, serves as the primary barrier preventing bacteria from entering the bloodstream.
Bacterial Translocation: Intestinal Epithelial Permeability
In its broadest terms, intestinal bacterial translocation can be defined as the passage of bacteria (both live and dead) and bacterial products (such as exotoxins, endotoxins, and cell wall fragments) from the intestinal lumen to otherwise sterile extraintestinal...