How to Grow and Care for Hong Kong Orchid Tree - The Spruce
2022年1月3日 · With its dramatic foliage and long-blooming colorful flowers, the Hong Kong orchid tree (Bauhinia × blakeana) makes a very striking specimen planting in warm, arid climates. Though it is not a true orchid, the shape and rich colors of the flowers are reminiscent of orchids.
洋紫荊 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
洋紫荊 (學名: Bauhinia × blakeana[註 1][1]),别名 香港蘭 (英語: Hong Kong Orchid Tree);英文名:Red-flowered、camel’s foot,是 豆科 羊蹄甲屬 的 有花植物,屬於常綠 喬木,於 香港 首次發現,因而在1965年獲定為 香港市花 [2]。 該樹現廣泛作為 行道樹 進行栽培,其花大而艷麗。 此花乃 紅花羊蹄甲 (B. purpurea)與 宮粉羊蹄甲 (B. variegata) 雜交 而成的品種,與大部分 雜交種 一樣有無法自然繁殖的問題;其 花粉 因缺少特定 染色體 而一般無法結 …
Bauhinia × blakeana - Wikipedia
Bauhinia × blakeana (bow-HIN-ee-ə [cross] blayk-ee-AH-nə [2]), commonly called the Hong Kong orchid tree, [3] is a hybrid leguminous tree of the genus Bauhinia. It has large thick leaves and striking purplish red flowers.
Bauhinia x blakeana (Blake's bauhinia, Camel's Foot, Hong Kong …
Large, 5 to 6 inch rose-purple-crimson showy flowers shaped like orchids that bloom November to April when little else in the garden is blooming. Bi-lobed, light to medium green leaves have yellowish green veins. Leaves are deeply cleft at the apex and base, producing a twin leaf (butterfly wing) effect.
Hong Kong Orchid Tree (Bauhinia blakeana): All You Need To …
Bauhinia x blakeana is a semi-evergreen tree renowned for its stunning flowers and attractive foliage. It typically grows as a rounded, bushy tree, showcasing large, distinctive blossoms and heart-shaped leaves. The plant is often admired for its ornamental value, particularly in urban landscaping and botanical gardens.
It is the beautiful display of orchid-like blooms, though, which make Hong Kong Orchid-Tree so desirable for the landscape, the large, six-inch blossoms appearing in multiple shades of purple, rose, and pink during the summer, fall and early winter months, when little color is …
Hidden Hong Kong: History of the Hong Kong orchid, Bauhinia …
2022年6月6日 · Bauhinia × blakeana —or the Hong Kong orchid tree—is a timeless symbol of Hong Kong. We see its likeness on the back of our coins every day, the five-petalled flower that replaced Queen Elizabeth II to symbolise a new Hong Kong. But what do you know of the unusual circumstances of its existence, and how did it become the emblem of Hong Kong?
Know your bauhinia - bauhinia genome
2016年4月20日 · Use this handy guide (click to enlarge) for spotting the different Bauhinia trees most common in Hong Kong. Flowering period is a big giveaway with ‘purpurea’ stopping flowering just as ‘variegata’ starts. But notice that Bauhinia blakeana flowers the longest, from October to April – an incredible 6 months!
NParks | Bauhinia × blakeana - National Parks Board
Bauhinia × blakeana, also known as Blake's Bauhinia, is a hybrid of Bauhinia purpurea and Bauhinia variegata. The flower is an official flora emblem of Hong Kong and is featured on the state flag as well as on the back of Hong Kong's coins.
How Did the Bauhinia, a Sterile Flower, Become the Symbol of Hong Kong …
2019年6月27日 · When the the bauhinia flower flag rose over the handover ceremony on 1 July 1997, it was greeted by applause, marking Hong Kong’s transition into the postcolonial era. But some were nonplussed.