Elgin National Watch Co. Pocket Watch Serial Number Lookup …
Information, serial numbers, specs, and values of American antique pocket watches, with serial number lookups for manufacturers such as Elgin, Illinois, Waltham, and Hamilton.
About Elgin Serial Numbers - Elgintime
Just enter the serial number and click search. There you can learn the class, model and grade of a movement, as well as it's production history, size, jeweling and other specifications. Look up the details about your antique Elgin watch here
Pocket Watch Serial Number Lookup & Info | Pocket Watch …
Information, serial numbers, specs, and values of American antique pocket watches, with serial number lookups for manufacturers such as Elgin, Illinois, Waltham, and Hamilton.
Antique Elgin Pocket Watch: Identification and Valuation Guide
You can identify your antique Elgin Pocket Watch with the Serial Number etched on the movement. Please note this digit isn’t the same as your case’s serial number, as those are almost irrelevant. Instead, pry open the case on the back, check the mechanics (movement) for a sequential digit, and look it up in the Elgin Watch Database .
The Elgin watch serial number decoder
This lookup tool will decode the Elgin MOVEMENT serial number to an approximate date of manufacture for a vintage Elgin watch or pocket watch. You need to open the watch and get the serial number off the movement itself, this tool does not decode case serial numbers.
Serial numbers can be used to date your pocket watch. Scroll below to view the serial number date chart.
How Do I Identify My Elgin Pocket Watch And Its Value?
2022年11月2日 · You need to match the serial number of your Elgin pocket watch with that table. Once you have found a match, you can find the year it was manufactured. Then, subtract the manufacturing date from the year you are in.
Pocket Watch Serial Number Production List - PM Time
Please use the following tables to help determine the approximate age of your watch. Remove or open the back cover from your watch and look for a number engraved into the movement; this is the serial number for your watch, and by using it, you can find the closest years it …
Elgin Watch Identification Guide - Waterstone Watches
Dating, based on Movement Serial Number. Movement serial numbers provide useful insight in the manufacturing date of the movement. This is possible because Elgin watch movements were numbered sequentially. We know the sequence numbers with confidence up to the end of 1955; these numbers are presented below.
Pocket Watch Database: Be Right Back
Be Right Back... Winding up the mainspring again.