Faunal region | Endemic Species, Ecosystems & Biodiversity
Faunal region, any of six or seven areas of the world defined by animal geographers on the basis of their distinctive animal life. These regions differ only slightly from the floristic regions (q.v.) …
Faunal Region - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月29日 · There are six commonly recognized faunal regions used in zoogeography: the Ethiopian region, consisting of Africa south of the Sahara and part of southern Arabia; the …
Summary on the Fauna or Zoogeographic Regions of the World …
2017年3月2日 · Find out the brief summary on the classification of the world animals into fauna regions i.e. Palaearctic Region, Nearctic Region, Oriental Region, Ethiopian Region, and …
Biogeographic region | Definition, Features, Locations, & Facts ...
biogeographic region, area of animal and plant distribution having similar or shared characteristics throughout. It is a matter of general experience that the plants and animals of the land and …
“faunal region”的概念、定义、翻译、参考文献-科学参考
2025年1月11日 · There are six commonly recognized faunal regions used in zoogeography: the Ethiopian region, consisting of Africa south of the Sahara and part of southern Arabia; the …
Biogeographic region - Fauna, Ecosystems, Species | Britannica
Earth's faunal regions System of faunal regions based on a reanalysis of mammalian distributions by Charles H. Smith. The line between the Afrotropical, or Ethiopian, region and the Holarctic …
An Update of Wallace’s Zoogeographic Regions of the World
Here, we generate a global map of zoogeographic regions by combining data on the distributions and phylogenetic relationships of 21,037 species of amphibians, birds, and mammals. We …
Explore Faunal Distribution Across Zoogeographical Realms
2025年1月3日 · Zoogeographical realms, also called faunal realms, are large geographical regions on Earth that share a distinct assemblage of animal species. These realms are …
Faunal region - Oxford Reference
There are six commonly recognized faunal regions used in zoogeography: the Ethiopian region, consisting of Africa south of the Sahara and part of southern Arabia; the Oriental region, which …
subdivide the world into faunal regions, after noting the nontaxonomic but essential primary division of the treatment into separate sections for land or air-breathing animals and aquatic or …