Our Supporting Improvement documentation is designed to focus on what works and matters to secure the highest quality outcomes for our children and young people, with an unrelenting …
Please find attached a PDF called “Glasgow L&T Offer 1” - this provides an overview of the good lesson. This is a handy reminder for practitioners. You will also find attached a Learning and...
In addition to our school improvement priorities, this policy takes into account the work of the Glasgow City Council Teaching and Learning Strategy, including The Good Lesson, that sees …
Our one good adult concept captures the importance of safe, supportive relationships for all learners. Compassion and care leads to improved outcomes for our children and young people …
The Leaders of Early Learning (LELs) are a peripatetic team of teachers who support curriculum development and effective learning and teaching in all early years establishments, including …
Teachers regularly evaluate their teaching and learning and identify next steps in learning. “The Good Lesson” is used to evaluate teaching on class visits by SMT and plans are reviewed on …
“The Good Lesson” is used to evaluate teaching on class visits by SMT and Class Teachers and plans are reviewed on a termly basis and evaluated through professional dialogue. Staff …
2.4 The How Good Is Our Project (HGIOP) reporting tool has been revised this session to allow CLOLs to use and analyse data in a concise and meaningful manner.
The document - All Learners, All Achieving - highlights how we will deliver our key purpose which is delivering high-quality education for all and challenges linked to the Council's strategic...