D&D 5E Does a Way of Mercy Monk (11th level) obsolete a Life …
2021年6月27日 · The Life Cleric can handle a few exotic conditions the mercy monk can't. The Mercy monk can handle some of the "core conditions" very easily and with a minimal cost. Further, the monk can restore two conditions a round with 1 ki....while the life cleric can only handle 1 person at a time....and other than the Heal spell only 1 condition at a time.
D&D 5E UA Monk Way of Mercy - Have you tried this? - EN World
2020年6月27日 · Way of Mercy is really good at whack-a-mole, since I could flurry then walk over to heal someone at 0hp. Miasma was hemlock and lily leaves. It's mostly a defensive ability that made me very tanky when I wanted to be, and more than once I popped it just for protection from ranged attacks while running from bad guys.
D&D 5E Revised Way of Mercy - EN World
2020年1月23日 · So I'm not a fan of the UA's Way of Mercy. Conceptually it is interesting, but mechanically the execution doesn't match with what I would expect from the subclass. So I have a few ideas. They are admittedly a bit rough. I tried to limit Ki usage (monks are already starved for it) and instead thought to try using hit dice as a resource.
D&D (2024) What are your best Playtest Level 3 Builds? - EN World
2024年2月4日 · Look at what Treantmonk did with a 2024 elemental monk, plus the grappler feat. I'm currently play testing a mercy monk. Prior to the new rules, mercy was easily the best monk subclass. I'm not sure that's the case with the new version of monk. A lot of mercy's abilities were designed to compensate for the weak monk chassis, but aren't as ...
D&D 5E - way of mercy, way of long death or way of kensei ... - EN …
2021年6月30日 · I am not sure when I am going to multiclass but I am only going to go to 5th or 6th level in Monk. The campaign will end between 12-15 level. I am debating which of these subclasses to pick at the next level up. This is the first time I have actually played a Monk. I am leaning towards mercy, partially because of the free skills.
D&D (2024) D&D 5e 2024 Monk Handbook - EN World
2024年8月21日 · Party Roles & the Core Fantasy of Being a Monk The Monk's core fantasy is that of a martial artist, who fights without armor, often even without weapons. Monk is someone who relies on tier hand-to-hand combat training and regurally surpasses human ability through sheer skill, focus and determination. Monk in 2024 D&D zips across the battlefield.
D&D (2024) 2024 Player's Handbook reveal: "New Monk" - EN World
2024年7月8日 · Warrior of Mercy (from Tasha's Way of Mercy): Pretty much the same, with minor tweaks; Warrior of Elements (replaces Way of 4 Elements): Lv 3: Elemental Attunement - Spend focus points to turn on increased reach of unarmed strikes using tendrils of air/water/fire/earth; Lv 3: New Elementalism cantrip - can be used to shape elements around them
D&D (2024) Playtest 8 Monk Discussion - EN World
2023年11月27日 · Mercy Monk wasn't even reprinted in UA6, being close enough for testing purposes, and that was before the large scale revisions in UA8. I can't imagine there won't be tweaks in the post-testing balance adjustment phase …
D&D 5E Homebrew Monk Subclass - Way of the Tempest …
2023年8月26日 · Link on D&D Beyond: The Way of the Tempest ***** Note: This Homebrew Subclass was inspired by joshlud130's The Way of the Lightning Storm, which I used as a baseline and made additional tweaks. The Way of the Tempest Monks who follow the Way of the Tempest are able to channel the power of the storm to hone their bodies and empower their …
D&D (2024) 2024 Player's Handbook reveal: "New Monk" - EN World
2024年7月8日 · At level 3 the Monk class gets to pick its subclass, choosing from four options: Warrior of Mercy, Warrior of Shadow, Warrior of the Elements, or Warrior of the Open Hand. Warrior of Mercy: First appearing in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, the 2024 Warrior of Mercy subclass has seen the fewest changes of all the Monk subclasses. The familiar ...