Turkey Color Genetics Lessons - BackYard Chickens
2010年6月30日 · Lesson 2 Base Colors - Standard Bronze, Black, and Black-winged Bronze There are basically two types of genes that go into determining turkey color. The first of these is the base color, and the second are modifying colors. In this lesson we will talk about base colors, then add on modifying colors as things get more involved in later lessons. The standard …
Broad Breasted Bronze - BackYard Chickens
2018年9月15日 · The Bronze Broad Breasted turkey is an excellent turkey to raise for family meat production and has an excellent feed to meat conversion rate. However, generally, the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey does not reproduce very well because of their large size.
Turkey Poult Identification - Pictures Added - BackYard Chickens
2010年10月3日 · Sounds like the guy you bought eggs form has more than one typr of turkey, and maybe they are pen breeding to produce a number of crosses. Maybe the parents are already mixed breeds. Red bronze poults, which would come from a 1st generation cross of bronze and bourbon red, have the color pattern of bronzes but the dark parts are reddish brown and the …
Standard Bronze - Greek Variety - BackYard Chickens
2018年9月14日 · Greek Bronze Turkey Breed is a domestic breed of turkey created from paternal and maternal stock of bronze (and black) heritage turkeys.
Can Somebody Help Me Determine The Sex of My Bronze Turkey?
2009年4月21日 · I was given 2 poults last May by my husbands uncle. He wasn't sure what breed they are, but I'm assuming they are standard Bronze's. They are about 9 months old now and I'm trying to figure out what sex they are. (This is them as poult's, the one in front is the one I'm questioning the sex...
When did your bronze turkeys start breeding? - BackYard Chickens
2021年3月23日 · I have 3 bronze turkeys that are 22 weeks old, and I got them on March 20th. Yesterday my bronze tom started breeding one of my hens after she submitted to him. Is this normal for that age because I had read that they wouldn't reach sexual maturity until 6 or 7 months old? Also, will my bronze...
Ridley Bronze Turkey Hatch-A-Long (Saskatchewan Rivers/Lakes …
2024年5月15日 · My second (and final birthday present hatch for my hubby) is a set of 9 Ridley Bronze Turkey Eggs! The first hatch was a set of Turkeys and the second hatch is Guinea Fowl (happening congruently here as a hatch-a-long). This set will be named after lakes and rivers of Saskatchewan, Canada. For...
Orlopp Bronze Turkeys - BackYard Chickens
2018年4月9日 · Orlopp Bronze are a broad breasted bronze variety. While it isn't impossible for broad breasted turkeys to breed naturally, they do best with artificial insemination. If trying to breed them naturally it usually works best to use yearling toms and yearling hens.
Broad-breasted Bronze / Royal Palm cross? - BackYard Chickens
2011年4月5日 · The Midget Whites are a mixed breed that came from a cross of BBW on a Royal Palm. If your lucky you might get a colored version similar to them in body shape in a few generation. One of my projects is a colored mini turkey. I am selecting for longer legs and keel on my toms, since the BB turkeys are short legged.
Narragansett or bronze turkey? - BackYard Chickens
2017年2月22日 · Hello, so i posted a picture of my poults and i was told they looked like narragansett turkeys but now that they are 2 months old they have started to grow feather like below. Is this a normal color pattern of narragansett or are they bronze turkeys? Also i will include a picture of tbeir snood...