Valplast® Flexible Partials
Many people consider a Valplast Flexible Partial to be the most comfortable option for their denture and the final restoration can be made quickly and precisely! Typically more affordable …
Caring For Your Valplast® - Valplast® Flexible Partials
Enhanced cleaning may be achieved with the use of a vibrating denture bath such as the Denture Sonic or Denture Spa, also available from Valplast Supply Services, Inc. Your dental appliance …
FAQ - Valplast® Flexible Partials
Valplast® is a thermoplastic nylon material which contains no acrylic monomer and a completely metal free coloring agent, making it an excellent choice for patients who suffer allergic …
Dentists - Valplast® Flexible Partials
The strong, flexible nature of Valplast is perfectly suited to the variety of natural conditions in the mouth, simplifying design and enabling the flexible nylon resin to act as a built in stress …
Clinical Techniques - Valplast® Flexible Partials
Follow these simple instructions to ensure success when working with your next Valplast® case. First Insertion of a Valplast® Denture. Valplast® resin is engineered to provide exactly the …
Labs and Technicians — Valplast® Flexible Partials
“ Valplast has been teaching dental technicians how to make flexible partial dentures since 1953. As the inventors of the flexible partial denture, we pride ourselves on being able to pass our …
Precise-Fit - Valplast® Flexible Partials
With a Precise-Fit™ baseplate from Valplast, the dentist can evaluate not only the jaw relation and tooth arrangement, but also preview the fit of the final restoration before processing, …
Patients - Valplast® Flexible Partials
Valplast® Flexible Partials are a beautiful, comfortable and affordable choice for tooth replacement. Flexibility, combined with strength and light weight, provides total comfort and …
Injection System - Valplast® Flexible Partials
Our decades of experience with flexible partial dentures and injection molding in the dental laboratory enables us to help new labs and technicians learn this technology quickly and …
Find a Dentist — Valplast® Flexible Partials
Please feel free to have your dentist contact us for information on Valplast® Techniques and to connect with a Certified Valplast® Laboratory. However, if you need to locate a new dentist …