TKR - DynaSplint Success?< | Joint Replacement Patient Forum
2018年8月19日 · 4. My ROM is 102 ( with PT help of course), we havent measured my extension - they seem more concerned with flexation right now. though I can straighten pretty well - do have space for fingers or hands underneath the knee. 5. I wear the Dynasplint 6-7 hours per day in 3 - two hour increments and ice my knee after each wearing period.
What Should I Do With My DynaSplint
2011年6月26日 · Ok I got a dynasplint last friday and I have to say it's working for me. In less than a week my ROM has gone up 10. I am up to wearing it 2 different times of the day for 2 hrs. apiece so 4 hrs. a day. Yep it is manipulating my knee whether I like it or not. I haven't even attempted to sleep in it as I know there is no way I could.
Principles of Arthrofibrosis Rehabilitation - KNEEguru
The Dynasplint is a spring-loaded brace that holds a joint in its restricted position (i.e. knee extension). The protocol for this brace advises wearing it overnight while you sleep. The springs in the brace keep the stretch dynamic; as the motion improves, the brace applies a constant and continuous amount force to the knee.
Dyna-Splint | Joint Replacement Patient Forum
2010年1月27日 · I have been wearing my dynasplint for 2 weeks. I was at 80 ROM on the right leg and 15 straight. Now I am at 95 and 5. I haven't been wearing it as much on my left leg, and it was at 85 and 12 and now it is at 95 and 3. So, there is some improvement. I'm still waiting for my insurance to process it to see if it will pay. Then I could get a ...
Dynasplint - Joint Replacement Patient Forum
2024年3月18日 · I’m supposed to get my Dynasplint tomorrow. I’m mixed on it 12 weeks post op . Non displaced fracture. 2 screws and wires . 4 weeks PT and homework . Gone from 40 to 80 ROM . Very stiff and still swollen . I’m of the slow and …
dynasplint | Joint Replacement Patient Forum
2009年4月17日 · Pain Management Local/Regional Anesthetics Oral and Intravenous Pain Medications Alternative Methods To Manage Pain Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for Postop Pain Plan Against Pain
Dyna-splint??? - Joint Replacement Patient Forum
2010年12月16日 · J Knee Surg. 2003 Oct;16(4):215-20. The long-term outcome of total knee patients with moderate loss of motion. Dalury DF, Jiranek W, Pierson J, Pearson SE. Orthopaedic Associates, Baltimore, MD 21204, USA. Abstract
Dynasplint knee brace two months out from tkr. - KNEEtalk
2011年1月29日 · KNEE ARTHRITIS - Total Knee Replacement. Search; Dynasplint knee brace two months out from tkr.
Dynasplint - KNEEtalk
2006年5月15日 · Dynasplint General questions about exercises, stretching, gaining range of motion, handling pain and swelling.Also braces, mobility aids, sleeping aids, shoes. Search Advanced search
DynaSplint, JAS, EliteSeat - KNEEtalk - kneeguru.co.uk
2007年4月9日 · DynaSplint, JAS, EliteSeat. Adhesions, internal scarring, fat pad syndrome, infrapatellar contracture ...