Quick, Draw!
You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you’re drawing. Of course, it doesn’t always work. But the more you play with it, the more it will learn.
Quick, Draw! The Data
Get the data Play the game Get the data Play the game Share Now visualizing: Randomize ... at drawings made by real people... on the internet. If you see something that shouldn’t be here, simply select the drawing and click the flag icon. It will help us …
Quick, Draw!
هل بإمكان الشبكة العصبية أن تتعلّم التعرُّف على الرسوم؟ اكتشف مدى نجاحها في التعرّف على الأشكال التي ترسمها وساعدها في التعلّم بمجرّد اللعب معها.
Quick, Draw!
Un réseau de neurones peut-il apprendre à reconnaître les dessins ? Découvrez comment il s'en sort avec vos dessins et participez à son apprentissage en jouant.
Quick, Draw! The Data
Over 15 million players have contributed millions of drawings playing Quick, Draw! These doodles are a unique data set that can help developers train new neural networks, help researchers see patterns in how people around the world draw, and help artists create things we haven’t begun to …
Quick, Draw!
신경망이 학습을 통해 낙서를 인식할 수 있을까요? 내 그림은 얼마나 잘 맞추는지 확인하고, 더 잘 맞출 수 있도록 가르쳐 주세요. 게임을 플레이하기만 하면 됩니다.
Quick, Draw!
Quick, Draw! es un juego en línea que utiliza el aprendizaje automático para adivinar lo que estás dibujando.
Share the data - Quick, Draw!
What would you do with 50,000,000 drawings made by real people on the internet?
Quick, Draw!
Kann ein neuronales Netzwerk Zeichnungen erkennen? Sieh dir an, wie gut es darin ist. Du kannst mithelfen, es zu trainieren, indem du einfach spielst.
Quick, Draw!
Игра Quick, Draw! использует технологии машинного обучения. Вы рисуете предмет, а нейронная сеть пытается угадать, что это такое. Не все ее попытки удачны. Чем чаще вы играете, тем больше знает сеть.