Hysterosalpingogram or Hysterosonogram : You Be the Coder
2024年6月10日 · What I am looking for is the procedure an ob-gyn would do three months post-Essure placement. Radiology is telling me that they report 58340, 76831, 76830, 76856, and 74740. This seems like a lot of codes for one procedure.
CPT® Code 74740 - Gynecological and Obstetrical Diagnostic
What is the correct way to code the following Hysterosonogram in office, We were using 58340 and 76831 Hysterosalpingogram in office (femvue) We use for the femvue 58340 76831 76830 74740 Is t... [ Read More ]
Help Distinguish Hysterosalpingogram/Hysterosonogram : You Be …
2018年11月15日 · What I am looking for is the procedure an ob-gyn would do three months post-Essure placement. Radiology is telling me that they report 58340, 76831, 76830, 76856 and 74740. This seems like a lot of codes for one procedure.
Wiki Cpt for Hystersalpingography - AAPC
2008年10月20日 · When the Physician did Hysterosalpingograhy and is the only documented procedure, the reports 58340 and74740 are the appropriate coding as far my knowledge goes. When Hysterosonography alone done we cannot report it as Hysterosalphingography and vicevera; so also US Vaginal-(76831)gyn.
Highlight This Hysterosalpingogram/Hysterosonogram Difference …
2022年12月12日 · What I am looking for is the procedure an ob-gyn would do three months post-Essure placement. Radiology is telling me that it reports 58340, 76831, 76830, 76856, and 74740. This seems like a lot of codes for one procedure.
Draw the Line Between Hysterosalpingogram/Hysterosonogram
2022年8月11日 · Question: What is the difference between a hysterosalpingogram and a hysterosonogram? Which is called an HSG? What I am looking for is the procedure an ob-gyn would do three months post-Essure placement. Radiology is telling me that they report 58340, 76831, 76830, 76856, and 74740. This seems like a lot of codes for one procedure.
CPT ® 58340, Under Introduction Procedures on the Corpus Uteri
The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 58340 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Introduction Procedures on the Corpus Uteri.
Wiki Hysterosalpingogram with selective catheterization - AAPC
2008年5月22日 · Immediately prior to the procedure, a urine pregnancy test was performed. Urine pregnancy test result: negative. Procedure description: The patient was placed in lithotomy position and a vaginal speculum was inserted. After cleansing the external os with Betadine solution, the cervical os was cannulated with a 7F hysterosalpingography catheter.
CPT ® 58345, Under Introduction Procedures on the Corpus Uteri
In this procedure, the provider introduces a catheter through the cervix and into the fallopian tube to diagnose and clear blockages of the tube. The procedure may include the injection of contrast material and taking an X–ray in a procedure called a hysterosalpingogram done to evaluate the fallopian tubes and uterus for abnormalities or ...
HSG Coding help! | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC
2014年8月15日 · Yes, if the phsyician performed hysterosalpingography (HSG) both CPT codes 58340 & 74740 would be reported. CPT 58340 only includes the catheterization and intro. of saline/contrast while 74740 captures the radiological supervision & interpretation related to …