Os peroneum | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年6月26日 · An os peroneum is a small accessory bone of the foot located at the lateral aspect of the cuboid within the substance of the fibularis longus tendon as it arches around the cuboid. It is a very common anatomical variant, seen in up to 26% of feet 1. It …
Accessory ossicles of the foot | Radiology Reference Article ...
2023年11月9日 · Accessory ossicles of the feet are common developmental variants with almost 40 having been described. Some of the more common include 1-4: Knowledge of their presence is helpful so that they are not misdiagnosed as fractures.
Os Cuboideum Secundarium: A Rare Accessory Ossicle in the Foot
The os cuboideum secundarium is a very rare accessory ossicle, of which the exact prevalence is unknown. However there have been at least three case reports which documented pain associated with this accessory ossicle [2,3,4]. The ossicle is …
Os cuboideum secundarium | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2021年10月20日 · An os cuboideum secundarium is an accessory tarsal bone, located along the plantar aspect of the foot, adjacent to the calcaneocuboid joint, inferior to the posterior margin of the cuboid and anterior margin of the calcaneus. It is one of the rarest accessory tarsal bones and its exact prevalence is unknown 1.
Cuboid bone - Wikipedia
In the human body, the cuboid bone is one of the seven tarsal bones of the foot. The cuboid bone is the most lateral of the bones in the distal row of the tarsus. It is roughly cubical in shape, and presents a prominence in its inferior (or plantar) surface, the tuberosity of the cuboid.
Painful Os Peroneum Syndrome - Sports Medicine Review
Patients with Os Peroneum-related issues often present with a history of lateral midfoot pain that worsens with weight-bearing activities. On physical examination, swelling may be observed over the cuboid, accompanied by tenderness to palpation of the ossicle. Pain can also be provoked by movements such as plantarflexion and inversion of the foot.
Os cuboideum secundarium: a rare accessory ossicle with the
This case highlights an exceptionally rare accessory ossicle called the os cuboideum secundarium, located adjacent to the cuboid and calcaneus. Interestingly, this case demonstrates the potential for this rare ossicle to mimic a mass on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Os peroneum imaging: normal appearance and pathological findings
The os peroneum (OP) is a small sesamoid bone located inside the peroneus longus tendon (PLT), close to the cuboid. The OP can be the cause of pain and can be associated with lesions of the PLT. OP involvement in PLT disorders is frequently misdiagnosed by radiologists.
Os cuboideum secundarium: A rare accessory ossicle with the …
2013年8月24日 · The os cuboideum secundarium is an exceptionally rare accessory ossicle located adjacent to the cuboid and calcaneus that was first reported in 1896 by Pfitzner [2]. The exact prevalence is unknown, however there are at least two reports in the literature of pain associated with this rare ossicle [3, 4].
Update on diagnosis and management of cuboid fractures - PMC
Cuboid fractures due to the particular bone anatomy and its protected location in the midfoot are rare, and they are usually associated with complex injuries of the foot. Clinical examination to diagnose these fractures should be detailed and the ...