Scoliidae - Wikipedia
The Scoliidae, the scoliid wasps, are a family of wasps comprising about 560 species worldwide. They tend to be black, often marked with yellow or orange, and their wing tips are distinctively …
common name: scoliid wasps of Florida - Entomology and …
The family Scoliidae is composed of fairly large, stout-bodied wasps, often brightly patterned in shades of red and yellow, white, or one of these colors in combination with black. These …
Family Scoliidae - Scoliid Wasps - BugGuide.Net
2024年4月1日 · Scoliidae (Hymenoptera) of the Lower Río Grande Valley. Porter, C.C. 1981. The Florida Entomologist 64 (3): 441-453. An online resource devoted to North American insects, …
土蜂科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
土蜂科(学名:Scoliidae),又名蜾蠃。是膜翅目 胡蜂總科下的一個科,其下包含約300種胡蜂。其身體一般是黑色的。常有橙色或黃色標記,翅尖皺縮。雄性比雌性更狹長,不過兩性異形特 …
Scoliidae: Scoliid Wasps - Washington State University
2023年3月24日 · The family Scoliidae is composed of fairly large, stout-bodied wasps, usually brightly patterned in red and yellow or white, sometimes in combination with black. Scoliids are …
Illustrated keys to Scoliidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Scolioidea) …
Scoliid wasps (Hymenoptera, Scoliidae) form a medium-sized family with approx. 560 species worldwide and occur predominantly in tropical and subtropical regions (Osten 2005). Scoliidae …
Scoliid Wasps - bugswithmike.com
The Scoliidae family, known as scoliid wasps, comprises around 560 species worldwide. They are notable for their role as parasitoids of scarab beetle larvae, playing a significant ecological role …
Scoliidae - 华文百科
Scoliidae是Scoliid Wasps ,是全球大约560种的家族。 它们往往是黑色的,通常用黄色或橙色标记,其翅膀尖端是明显的瓦楞纸。 男性比女性更苗条和伸 长,具有明显更长的触角,但性二 …
Scolia (wasp) - Wikipedia
Scolia is a genus of scoliid wasps in the subfamily Scoliinae. There are over 200 described species in Scolia. [1] Scolia was described by Johan Christian Fabricius in 1775. This genus is …
Scoliid Wasps (Family Scoliidae) - iNaturalist
The Scoliidae, the scoliid wasps, are a family of about 560 species found worldwide. They tend to be black, often marked with yellow or orange, and their wing tips are distinctively corrugated. …