American Expeditionary Force, Siberia - Wikipedia
The American Expeditionary Force, Siberia (AEF in Siberia) was a formation of the United States Army involved in the Russian Civil War in Vladivostok, Russia, after the October Revolution, from 1918 to 1920. The force was part of the larger Allied North Russia intervention.
Siberian intervention - Wikipedia
The Siberian intervention or Siberian expedition of 1918–1922 was the dispatch of troops of the Entente powers to the Russian Maritime Provinces as part of a larger effort by the western powers, Japan, and China to support White Russian forces and the Czechoslovak Legion against Soviet Russia and its allies during the Russian Civil War.
Russian conquest of Siberia - Wikipedia
The Russian conquest of Siberia began in July 1581 when some 540 Cossacks under Yermak Timofeyevich invaded the territory of the Voguls, subjects to Kuchum Khan, ruler of the Sibir Khanate. They were accompanied by some Lithuanian and …
AEF Siberia - WORLDWAR1.com
Orchestrated behind closed doors, inspired by panic, and plagued by futility, America's military intervention in Siberia during the First World War continued long after the Armistice sent the doughboys in France home.
RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR AND AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES IN SIBERIA, 1918-20 This collection reproduces important letters, reports, memorandums, cablegrams, maps, charts, and other kinds of records relating to the activities of the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia (hereafter, AEF in Siberia), 1918-20. Date Range: 1918-1920 Content: 9,289 images
American intervention in Siberia was advocated by the allies as early as January, 1918. President Wilson opposed allied objectives in Russia and main- tained his opposition through July, 1918. In early July, 1918, the Supreme War Council at Versailles decided to …
Frozen Indecision: American Intervention In Siberian Russia 1918
2018年9月12日 · While ostensibly protecting “Allied interests” in Siberia, one of the most inhospitable regions on the planet, U.S. troops traded shots with Bolshevik forces and occasionally with renegade...
Siberian Intervention 1918-1922 - 1914-1918-Online
The nominally anti-German intervention, while supposedly neutral in the Russian Civil War, leaned distinctly against the Bolsheviks. Mutually conflicting objectives crippled the “Allied” intervention in Siberia over the course of 1919.
In the southeastern corner of European Russia the Don and Kuban Cos- sacks organized autonomous governments headed by the elected atamans and joined the Volunteer Army commanded by General A.I. Denikin. Anti-communist forces in Siberia consisted of the Orenburg, Ural and Siberian Cossacks and could be supplemented with draftees.
Guarding the Railroad, Taming the Cossacks | National Archives
2022年11月29日 · The War Department ordered Graves to ensure the opening of the Trans-Siberian and Chinese Eastern Railways to all commercial and passenger traffic. The military was to provide the guards to keep order, and the civilian technicians of the Russian Railway Service Corps were to come in and operate and upgrade the actual tracks, repair shops, and ...