Buying a 4-H Pig - Making the Right Choice
2022年6月14日 · Each breed has at least one characteristic that makes it a good choice for 4-H pig shows. Yorkshire sows are great at mothering, so if you plan to keep your pig and breed it, the Yorkshire would be a great choice.
Planning for your 4-H swine project animal: Hog selection
- The dates of the fair are one of the most important factors in animal selection. For example, a person exhibiting at a June fair is looking for a heavier weight pig than a person planning to exhibit at an August fair. When selecting a pig, you need to envision what you believe the pig will look like when they have reached the proper amount of finis...
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A Pig By Any Other Name – 4-H Animal Science …
2018年5月15日 · Hard work, persistence, and treating a swine project with care is what will give a 4-H swine project exhibitor the competitive advantage – not necessarily the breed of their project. To begin, let us break these eight …
Swine | Animals | Projects | Kansas 4-H Youth Development
2023年9月19日 · Enroll in the swine project where members learn to select, manage and show animals for meat production. Learn about an important industry in Kansas and the mid-west. …
Two basic kinds of 4-H swine projects are: 1) Market Swine—selection and feeding of one or more feeder pigs to market weight. 2) Breeding Swine—care and management of swine raised …
Participating in a 4-H market hog project can set you on the path to an excellent career in agriculture. You’ll choose, feed, care for, train, and show your 4-H project animal as you learn …
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Pigs -
Breeds of Pigs Eight major pig breeds are commonly used for breeding in the United States. In general, the five dark breeds--Berkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, Poland China, and Spot are …
Swine | Animal Science | Projects | 4-H | UW Extension
The 4-H swine project helps you learn about swine breeds, health care, production, management, showmanship, marketing and careers in the swine industry. Learn principles of animal science and gain life skills, like …
4-H Swine Project | NDSU Agriculture
In the 4-H swine project, you can select from a breeding animal or a market animal. Breeding animals allow you to start your own herd while market animals produce meat products for people.
In the 4-H swine project you can learn about breeds, health care, production, etc.