Artemisia frigida - Wikipedia
Artemisia frigida is a widespread species of flowering plant in the aster family, which is known as the sunflower family. It is native to Europe, Asia, and much of North America. [1] [2] In parts of the north-central and northeastern United States it is an introduced species. [3] [4]
Artemisia frigida (Prairie Sagebrush) - Gardenia
Artemisia frigida (Prairie Sagebrush) is a low-growing, semi-evergreen, woody-based perennial forming a tuft of deeply-divided, soft, woolly, silver-white leaves. The fine-textured foliage is aromatic (camphor-scented).
A. frigida is listed as a source of camphor although it has not been recognized by the U.S. Pharmacopoeia for this purpose. Pollinators: Even though the small flowers are wind-pollinated, Artemisia species are used as food plants by the larvae of a …
Artemisia frigida - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Artemisia frigida is a tufted, low-spreading, woody-based perennial that is primarily cultivated for its aromatic (camphor-scented), silver-white foliage. Erect, clustered, herbaceous stems with deeply-cut, silky-haired, silvery-white foliage rise up from tough, woody crowns.
Artemisia frigida (Prairie Sagewort) - Minnesota Wildflowers
Prairie Sagewort spreads from underground rhizomes and can form large mats, similar to White Sage (Artemisia ludoviciana). Both are covered in dense, silky white hairs and can look similar from a distance.
Artemisia frigida Willd. General Description.—Fringed sage, known also as prairie sagewort, fringed sagewort and fringed sagebrush, is an aromatic, mat-forming, perennial shrub 20 to 60 cm tall (McArthur and others 1979, Stubbendieck and others 1997).
root of Artemisia frigida or the leaves of the white sage (Artemisia ludoviciana). The Dakota, Omaha, Pawnee, and Ponca women used a decoction of the plant for irregular menstrual periods. The leaves of prairie sandwort were used by the Blackfeet as a preservative for stored meat (Hellson and Gadd 1974). It was known by the Chilcotin as
"Asteraceae : Artemisia frigida" by R Neil Reese - South Dakota …
Artemisia frigida is a low, spreading sub-shrub arising from a woody crown, growing from 10 to 40 cm tall. The plant has a fragrant scent, and the stems and leaves appear whitish to gray because of the dense covering of appressed hairs.
Artemisia frigida | Prairie Sagebrush - plant lust
Artemisia frigida is a broadleaf deciduous perennial with blue and white foliage. In summer yellow flowers emerge. Attracts bees, beneficial insects and butterflies making it an excellent addition to pollinator gardens.
Artemisia frigida - FNA
2020年11月5日 · Perennials, 10–40 cm (forming silvery mats or mounds), strongly aromatic. Stems gray-green or brown, glabrescent. Leaves persistent, silver-gray; blades ovate, 0.5–1.5 (–2.5) cm, 1–2-ternately lobed (lobes 0.2–0.5 mm wide), faces densely whitish-pubescent.