Arunachala, a religious recluse. By Bhagavan’s Grace my peace of mind was throughout unaffected by the trials and anxieties that fell to my lot. While once sitting in meditation before Sri Bhagavan, I had the most enduring satisfaction when he asked me: “ Have you had your food?” Have I not?*1 — *
page 3. Editor’s note: While living at Sri Ramanasramam, Ella . Maillart wrote and had published her memoir . Cruises and Caravans, presenting the first copy to Bhagavan in February
Arunachala at 6 p.m. Simultaneously a large lamp was lit in the Ashram along with the chanting of Sri Bhagavan’s Arunachala Akshara Manamalai. Please visit http://www.sriramanamaharshi.org/karthigaifestival2010. html to view photographs and video footage of the event.
Arunachala.Ravifaced his two year battle against brain cancer with remarkable courage and dignity. The passing on was peaceful, a sure sign of Sri Bhagavan’s boundless Grace! As we work on this issue of Saranagathi we can feel Ravi’s quiet presence guiding and encouraging us to continue doing‘Bhagavan’s Work’.
7th Impression 1977 “The Maharshi - the Great Sage - was the man who made most appeal to Mr. Brunton.” - From the Preface by Sir Francis Younghusband.
at the Ashram repeated a regular rhythm that centred on morning and evening darshan at the feet of the Maharshi. If in her earlier years she had savoured the changing horizons throughout
sadhus from Podigai Hill, the sacred Hill in which the ancient Agastya Rishi is still doing his tapas, as he has done for thousands of years. He has ordered us to take you first to the Siddhas’ conference at Srirangam and thence to Podigai, to give you regular diksha, (initiation) after extracting those salts from your body which
In the early years on the Hill most of the food Bhagavan received was supplied by Mudaliar Paatti, Echammal, Desurammal and other such women. In due course, with the assistance of her son and daughter-in-law, Mudaliar Paatti began giving food to Bhagavan’s devotees. In those days female visitors were not allowed
Tiruvannamalai au pied de la montagne sacrée Arunachala et y resta jusqu’à la fin de sa vie. Pour un temps, il demeura assis, immergé dans la béatitude divine, ne parlant pas, mangeant peu, négligeant complètement son corps avec lequel il ne s’identifiait plus. De façon progressive,
INTRodUcTIoN Qui suis-je ? est le titre donné à une série de questions et de réponses ayant trait à la recherche du Soi. Les questions ont été posées à Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi par Shrî M. Sivaprakasam