Audi 100 - Wikipedia
The Audi 100 and Audi 200 (and sometimes called Audi 5000 in North America) are primarily mid-size/executive cars manufactured and marketed by the Audi division of the Volkswagen Group. The car was made from 1968 to 1997 across four generations (C1–C4), with a two-door model available in the first and second generation (C1-C2), and a five ...
奥迪100 - 百度百科
奥迪100(Audi 100)是1982年秋天由奥迪NSU汽车联盟公司推出的第三代汽车(内部称为C3)。 车身结构采用轻量化材料制成,风阻系数为0.30。 奥迪100成了先进设计的同义词。
奥迪100 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
奥迪100,是1968年奥迪在被 大众集团 收购后,第一款中大型豪华轿车,是 奥迪 经典车型之一。 而奥迪100的命名,则来自于其高功率输出的100马力发动机。 1966年的C1平台让奥迪100的马力十分强大,而在当年,许多人对奥迪100在刚被大众收购时推出,感到不信任,其设计师克服种种阻力,而使奥迪推出了此款车,并获得巨大成功。 1968年推出,因为1966年末 汽车联盟公司 (奥迪 的前身之一)才被 大众 收购,所以当时没有人指望它会大卖,只是制定10万台的目标,但 …
Audi 100 / 200 / 5000 Market - CLASSIC.COM
The Audi 100 was a series of luxury cars introduced in 1968. The 100 was also known as the 200 (higher trim level), and the 5000 (U.S. Market). The Audi 100 was built in four generations: C1 (1968-1976), C2 (1977-1982), C3 (1983-1990), and C4 (1991-1994). The most notable 100 variant was the original Audi S4 (C4).
Audi 100 Coupé S - Wikipedia
The Audi 100 Coupé S is a grand touring car made by the German company Audi AG from 1969 until 1976. The car was first presented at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 1969. It is a two-door coupé with a fastback design and a front-engine, front-wheel-drive layout .
Audi 100, 200, & 5000 For Sale - BaT Auctions - Bring a Trailer
Browse and bid online for the chance to own a Audi 100, 200, & 5000 at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online.
Audi 100 - Model Years, Generations & News - Cars.com
Research the Audi 100 and learn about its generations, redesigns and notable features from each individual model year.
Audi 100 For Sale - Car and Classic
Looking to buy a Audi 100? Complete your search today at Car & Classic where you will find the largest and most diverse collection of classics in Europe
中国市场上第一款奥迪车型——奥迪100(C3) - 懂车帝
2024年1月15日 · 奥迪100是奥迪品牌在中国市场的第一款车型,于1988年正式引入,标志着奥迪在中国市场的里程碑。 这款车型以其卓越的德国工艺、豪华设计和先进技术而闻名,深受中国消费者的喜爱。