Australian sea lion - Wikipedia
The Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea), also known as the Australian sea-lion or Australian sealion, is a species of sea lion that is the only endemic pinniped in Australia. [2] It is currently monotypic in the genus Neophoca, with the extinct Pleistocene New Zealand sea lion Neophoca palatina the only known congener. [3]
Neophoca cinerea (Australian sea lion) - ADW
At birth, pups are roughly 60 to 70 cm and weigh approximately 6.5 to 8 kg. Their pelage is initially chocolate brown, but is replaced by adult-like fawn colred fur by the age of two months. Australian sea lions are sexually dimorphism, with a significant difference in the size of …
Australian Sea Lion - The Australian Museum
Young can be born anytime from January to June after a gestation period of about 12 months. Despite the fact that females give birth to only one young and may not breed again for two to three years, pup mortality is high in the first six months after birth. Australian Sea Lions form loose associations within the breeding colonies.
Australian Sea Lion - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on ... - Animalia
The Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea ), also known as the Australian sea-lion or Australian sealion, is a species of sea lion that is the only endemic pinniped in Australia. It is currently monotypic in the genus Neophoca, with the extinct Pleistocene New Zealand sea lion Neophoca palatina the only known congener.
Australian Sea Lion: Neophoca cinerea - ScienceDirect
2009年1月1日 · Australian sea lions have adapted well to captivity, where there have been at least 45 births around the country since 1981 (Ling et al., 2006). One female produced 8 pups in 11 years. Birth intervals are approximately 17.5 months or multiples thereof, thus mirroring reproduction in the wild.
Australian Sea Lions ~ MarineBio Conservation Society
The Australian sea lion has a unique breeding cycle among the pinniped species, the females giving birth to their pup after a 17.3-17.7 month cycle. A particular female’s pupping season occurs in alternate summers and winters or in alternate springs and autumns, and the pupping season for different Australian sea lion colonies takes place at ...
Australian Sea Lion (Neophoca cinerea) - Pinnipeds
The Australian sea lion has a unique breeding cycle amongst the pinniped species, the females giving birth to their pup after a 17.3-17.7 month cycle. A particular female's pupping season occurs in alternate summers and winters or in alternate springs and autumns, and the pupping season for different Australian sea lion colonies takes place at ...
Australian Sea Lion: Neophoca cinerea - ScienceDirect
2018年1月1日 · Australian sea lions are unique among pinnipeds, being the only species that has a nonannual breeding cycle, with intervals between pupping seasons of approximately 17–18 months. This extended inter-breeding interval is coupled with a long gestation period of ~14 months, the longest of any pinniped (Gales and Costa, 1997).
Australian Sea Lion | Encyclopedia MDPI
2024年2月28日 · Female Australian Sea Lions typically give birth to a single pup, although twins are rare. Pups are born on sandy beaches or rocky shores and are highly precocial, able to swim and dive shortly after birth.
Australian Sea Lion
2024年2月23日 · Pair of Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) in Kangaroo Island, South Australia. They show an aggressively fight for the right to mate with any female around that is in estrus. This will occur about 10 days after she gives birth to a pup.