Was a Baby Born Holding an IUD? - Snopes.com
断言: Photograph shows a newborn baby clutching an IUD in his hand.
已被 snopes.com 证实Newborn Baby Photographed with Mother's IUD in Hand - People…
2017年5月5日 · A woman is calling her newborn son her “Mirena baby” after she got pregnant despite having an IUD. Lucy Hellein gave birth to her son, Dexter, on April 27, and uploaded a photo of him on her...
I got pregnant on birth control — my baby came out with my IUD
2023年2月1日 · An Idaho woman who got pregnant despite using birth control described the shocking moment her baby emerged from the womb — triumphantly clutching her intrauterine device in his hand.
Baby in photo wasn’t born holding IUD | AP News - Associated …
2022年9月13日 · THE FACTS: Social media users this month have resurrected a years-old false claim that a photo shows a crying newborn who was grasping an IUD in his hand as he left the womb. “Lmaooo the baby came out holding the damn birth control,” read a popular Instagram post with the image, which mimicked false posts that made the rounds online in 2017.
Newborn Holds Mom's IUD in First Baby Pictures - Newsweek
2021年7月16日 · Paula dos Santos Escudero Alvarez, 32, put her intrauterine device (IUD) in her son's hand while a professional photographer snapped away. Alvarez gave birth to her second child,...
‘Mirena baby’ photographed clutching his mother’s IUD after …
2017年5月4日 · The now-viral image that first appeared on Facebook shows one-week-old Dexter Benjamin Manuel Tyler holding his mother’s IUD in his hand, minutes after giving birth.
VERIFY: Was this baby born with an IUD in his hand?
2017年5月3日 · Instead, the IUD was found during her c-section and it was placed in the hand on her son as a sort of tongue-in-cheek nod to conceiving while having an IUD in. Her friend took the photo.
Fact-Check: Was a baby born holding the mother’s failed IUD?
2020年7月20日 · A REPORT alluding that a newborn baby was born holding the mother’s intrauterine device, IUD, has gone viral on the social media. Aside the social media, different variations of the report alluding that the child came out of the womb holding the device abound on blogs and some news websites.
VERIFY: Was this baby born with an IUD in his hand?
2017年5月3日 · It was posted by Lucy Hellein of her newborn son who was conceived while she as had the Mirena IUD. However, and this is a big however, Hellein's son was not born with …
Was a baby born holding the mother’s failed IUD?
2020年7月20日 · A REPORT alluding that a newborn baby was born holding the mother’s intrauterine device, IUD, has gone viral on the social media. Aside the social media, different variations of the report alluding that the child came out of the womb holding the device abound on blogs and some news websites.