What defines a microbial species? - Biology Stack Exchange
2017年12月17日 · For example, several species of Shigella can yield nearly identical 16S sequences to those of Escherichia coli and debates rage as to whether they in fact should be classified as the same species. Some scientists even deny that there are such things as microbial species, or if there are, that being able to group microbes into taxonomical units ...
dna - How much natural genetic variation is there between …
20% variability within a species. 20%, one species. E.coli is an extreme example, but still, species is a stupid concept. Here's a 2006 paper finding that plenty of unique Campylobacter proteins simply aren't in plenty of Campylobacter species. On a more broad scale, here's an excellent (and free) paper you should look at. It examines islands ...
biochemistry - How to measure the pH of a bacterial species?
2021年9月8日 · I would like to calculate the pH of a certain bacteria species before after an experiment. I was reading about the pH cell of bacteria and I found out about Bacterial Intracellular pH which I different than the pH level outside the cell. I plan to measure the pH Outside of the cell as a method to represent the pH of the bacteria. My experiment:
How is the concept of species defined in asexual organisms?
2017年4月14日 · Asexual species can also be classified with these techniques but there some challenges associated. Sometimes asexual species have rapid life cycles (eg. bacteria) and therefore evolutionary change can occur rapidly. Horizontal gene transfer can occur transmitting DNA from one species to another and makes the process of classification tricky.
species identification - How do microbiologists decide whether …
2023年9月28日 · Exact identification of a strain and/or species is often impossible without further testing (e.g. you can't normally tell the difference between antibiotic resistant and non-antibiotic resistant strains without susceptibility testing, or even the difference between various Streptococcus species without testing), though pathogenic factors such ...
What's keeping living species from rotting? - Biology Stack Exchange
2015年2月22日 · One can calculate that there are more non-human cells (mainly bacteria) inside human body than there are actual human cells. Why those bacteria don't eat us from within? Epithelium is pretty good barrier between outer world and internal systems. It is essentially one-cell thick layer that protects internal organs and infrastructure.
Are we "more evolved" than present-day bacteria?
2018年3月10日 · Overall, the genome-wide mutation rate is rather higher in humans but that might well differ from species to species. However, again, bacteria have had more generations per year than humans and therefore bacteria species likely have fixed more mutations than humans have. So from this metric, bacteria are rather more evolved than humans.
How to obtain bacteria samples at home? - Biology Stack Exchange
The basics of bacteria culturing can really be broken down to three steps: (1) get a source of bacteria, (2) put some of the bacteria in an environment where they can grow easily, and (3) harvest them to do something useful with them. (1) Is fairly easy, bacteria are everywhere.
How is a bacterial strain defined? - Biology Stack Exchange
2016年1月22日 · Bacteria from a single species are isolated twice and named different things by different labs and the ...
bacteriology - Can different bacteria strains of same species have ...
2016年12月10日 · So although they are the same species, they can be remarkably different in their genomes. See this (open access) paper by Baltrus, et al for more information. A point to remember... "species" is a manmade concept, and there can be different definitions. Some species can have less than 90% similarity at the genome level!