Vs. Dave and Bambi: Bambi's Purgatory - Purgateam Wiki
Bambi's Purgatory was a fan mod of Vs. Dave and Bambi created by WhatsDown in November 2021. The premise of this mod was to provide a high quality in-depth story expansion to the original mod, with 6 weeks in total and many new characters to go along with it.
优质化模组人物 Bambi:Purgatory + D&B Definitive Edition 喜欢 …
班伯格是一只毛茸茸的狗,有一只名叫芥末的毛皮。 他可以在任何时候变成他,因为他要求Expunged。 班伯格在音速56上真的很烂。 班伯格是一位厨师和艺术家。 班伯格创建了3D小屋。 班伯格讨厌这个梦想。 班伯格斯法索纳芥末。
Bambi's Purgatory - Characters | Purgateam Wiki | Fandom
Dave and Bambi: Bambi's Purgatory. This page is unfinished, and will not be redone until the Music section is complete! Note that this page has been locked until further notice, as there have been leaks/false information added since permissions to edit this page were given to the public.
I'm the creator of Bombu, Bamburg Definitive Edition and Bambi's ...
I'm that one guy who created those 3 cancelled mods (Bambi's Purgatory, Technological Gastronomy & Definitive Edition) (although, Definitive wasn't cancelled for any bad reason), as well as the creator of your favorite 2 lads, Bombu and Bamburg.
Cancelled Projects | Purgateam Wiki - Fandom
Bambi's Purgatory is the biggest project created by the team, and the first project. It was cancelled due to many developers being doxxed and hacked due to an ex-developer seeking revenge.
Vs. Dave and Bambi: Mechanical Commotion - Fandom
Dave and Bambi: Bambi's Purgatory. Bombu appears to be wearing a blue, long hat, followed by a blue torso and black legs. Its head is light brown, with black eyes. He is able to detach his legs. Bombu does not have a 2d form, as he manifested in the Expunged Metaverse, instead of the 2d world. Bombu loves computers. Bombu is 21.
Vs. Banbodi | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
Banbodi, formerly from Bambi's Purgatory, is the main focus and antagonist of the mod, alongside with his brother Bambox. In Body Destroyer, Banbodi appears to be wearing dark magenta, and a long hat, followed by a dark magenta torso and black legs. His …
Bambi's Purgatory Extended - Dave and Bambi Fanon Revival Wiki
Dave and Bambi: Bambi's Purgatory: Extended/Expanded is a fanmade Purgatory expansion that is being made, and never releasing. The mod as of right now is in it's Alpha and won't be done anytime soon, since Rose is working on Fuckification and the team is going on hiatus soon.
Bambi's Purgatory - Friday Night Funkin Mod Ideas And Leaks Wiki
Bambi's Purgatory is a fan mod of Vs. Dave and Bambi created by WhatsDown. However, the mods ownership has been transferred to EpicRandomness11. This mod contains more than 20 songs, each with a unique vocal track used for BF. This mod was made as a result of Bambi's Hellscape being removed from its parent, Vs. Dave and Bambi: Definitive Edition.
Bambi's Purgatory (New) - Friday Night Funkin Mod Ideas And …
Bambi's Purgatory is a Fan mod created by WhatsDown. This mod contains more than 20 songs, each with a unique vocal track used for BF. It's main inspiration is from a popular Vs. Dave and Bambi fan mod, called Bambi's Hellscape. All of the mods content is actually in its parent, Vs. Dave and Bambi: Definitive Edition.