Institute for Biblical and Scientific Studies
The Institute for Biblical and Scientific Studies is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization interested in the areas of theBible and science. The goals of the Institute are to educate people about the Bible, to educate people about science, and to continually research the Bible and science.
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IBSS - The Bible - Genesis: Was There An Historic Adam? - Bible …
There are three different ways the Hebrew word "adam" is used in Genesis. "Adam" can just mean the generic term for mankind in general, or male in particular.
IBSS - The Bible and Science - Black Granite Quarry
The Bible and Science: Black Granite Quarry. Early picture of the black granite quarry at St. Peters, PA French Creek Granite Quarries in 1906. David Knauer in 1880 started the French Creek Granite Company. Rocks hauled by wagon were first used for curbing in Philadelphia streets. What was seemingly worthless farm land filled with big boulders ...
IBSS - The Bible and Science: The Qur’an and science: do they agree?
As if we have not come across enough absurdities already, the Qur’an and Hadith teach some monumental errors of science that any Muslim would be hard-pressed to defend. These scientific errors make a mountain out of a molehill.
IBSS - The Bible - Books of the Bible
The Protestant Bible has 66 books divided up into two parts, the Old and New Testaments. The Catholic Bible has the same books as the Protestant Bible plus the Apocrypha. The Jewish Bible is the same as the Old Testament Protestant Bible except the order of the books is different.
IBSS - The Bible and Science - Interviews
Paul Seely, Bible scholar. He has written Inerrant Wisdom: Science and Inerrancy in Biblical Perspective . Listen to Paul Seely's interview.
Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce - Bible and Science
We ship USPS from 2827 Lincoln Hwy East, Ronks, PA 17572 where we have Bible History Exhibits (small museum) and Gift Shop. If you have any questions you can call us at 717-288-2279. The best time to call is 10 AM to 5 PM EST.
IBSS - The Bible and Science - Marshalls Creek Mastodon
The Bible and Science: Marshalls Creek Mastodon. Peat Bog Near Marshalls Creek, PA. While dredging the bog a bone was found Peat is spread out to dry. Bones of the mastodon were found Plans are made to find the rest of the mastodon. Planks are put down so dredge can get close to bog. A large cylinder is placed in the bog to locate the bones. ...
IBSS - The Bible and Science - How Old is the Earth
The Bible and Science: How Old is the Earth? Whether you are a young-earth creationist or an old-earth creationist, most will agree that the earth appears to be very old.