How would a black hole power plant work? - Physics Stack Exchange
The efficient way to extract energy from a black hole is to extract its rotational energy. 20% 1 of a (rotating) black hole's mass-energy is in the form of rotational energy. This energy is not stored inside the black hole, rather it is stored in the swirl of space outside the black hole (in the Ergosphere). We can extract this energy by ...
Do black holes convert 100% of their mass into energy via …
2024年9月15日 · You can't build a black hole reactor because doing so requires compressing astronomical amounts of mass into an extremely small radius (a 1-nanometer black hole would have a mass of about $6.733\cdot10^{17}$ kilograms, which is many orders of magnitude more than the total amount of mass ever mined by humanity).
Artificial Blackhole Reactor (Singularity Inductor) - Science Forums
2019年1月22日 · Basically, if we have the ability to generate a Quantum or Mini Black Hole and also when Black hole's spin it generates a Magnetic Field then why is mass not fed into the Black Hole to make it larger you could make a Mass to Energy reactor called a Singularity Inductor that could put out Giga to Tera watts of energy by feeding mass in then ...
So ... is a black hole made of iron? - Physics Stack Exchange
2018年6月18日 · If we are talking about stellar-sized black holes, then the object that collapses to form a black hole will have a high concentration of iron (and other iron-peak elements like manganese, nickel and cobalt) at its core, and it is the core-collapse that begins the black hole formation process, but much more material than this will eventually form that black hole.
black holes - Is a fusion process possible inside an accretion disk ...
2021年8月1日 · So collisions near a black hole could be the source of most energetic reactions, potentially far exceeding those being probed at the LHC, let alone nuclear fusion. And some of the reaction products have a chance to escape the near horizon region to be observed (though more likely is that most reaction products would fall into the black hole).
On the stability of black holes - Physics Stack Exchange
The Rindler wedge has no curvature. A black hole of course has curvature; the Riemann curvature has zero Ricci curvature and is all Weyl curvature for a sourceless region. We can however "map" the Unruh effect to the black hole case. This is done by considering the Unruh case as a case of an observer close to the horizon on an accelerated frame.
Building A Supermassive Black Hole Dyson Sphere Continued
2022年4月13日 · This amount of energy would easily Helium Flash a star or destroy a planet which the next video explains which shows the awesome power of a Super-Massive Black hole reactor, unlike the hawking radiation which is so small it is not measurable the power is in the gravity of the super massive black hole, the Super-massive black hole reactor can ...
Does fusion continue to happen as a star collapses into a black …
2016年7月7日 · The difference between things happening inside the beamline of an accelerator and things happening inside a black hole, is that we can't even observe the consequences of the consequences of the consequences of whatever it was that our theory says might have happened inside the black hole. No experiment, no physics! $\endgroup$ –
How do fusion reactors deal with blackbody radiation?
2018年7月4日 · The plasma in a fusion reactor is typically "optically thin"; the radiation isn't really in equilibrium with itself and the plasma particles. Generally, instead of just modeling the plasma as a black body, people look at specific radiation processes. Kenneth Gentle (UT) has a nice set of slides that works through that.
How is black hole formed after a supernova explosion?
2019年1月15日 · $\begingroup$ There are several types of supernova, some leave a remnant, either a neutron star or black hole, some just blow the star apart. Neutron stars do not explode. $\endgroup$ – PM 2Ring