The telephone receiver emoji 📞 depicts the earpiece part of a traditional landline phone, typically in red or black. It represents communication, phone calls, and telecommunication services.
The 'black telephone' emoji is a text-based symbol that has been around since Unicode V1.1, and should be supported by just about every device and browser. As a standard symbol, you should also be able to copy and paste the 'black telephone' symbol (or the HTML entity ☎) in your browser or on social networking sites like Facebook and ...
Get the best collection of text telephone symbol ☎ ☏ 📞 🕻 with Dec Code, Hex Code, & Unicode. ☎☏ 📞🕻 Just one click to copy the telephone symbol and paste them anywhere.
Generally depicted in black at a 45° angle. Like ☎️ Telephone, used for various content concerning literal and figurative phone-calling. Also used as an icon before a phone number. Microsoft’s design is red.
Telephone was approved as part of Unicode 1.1 in 1993 under the name "Black Telephone" and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015. A classic telephone, as a landline home phone. Most platforms depict a red, push-button phone with the handset on the base. Some platforms feature des...
The emoji depicts a classic, old-fashioned landline telephone, typically seen in black color. The primary and most common uses for the Black Telephone emoji are to represent phone calls, telecommunication, or the act of contacting someone.
The telephone emoji ☎️ appears as an old-fashioned landline's handset, represented with a standard wire phone typically in different shades of black, red or green, depending on the platform. This emoji is used in the context of telephony and communications.