Bluefin Notho Killifish | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
2019年12月18日 · yeah what essjay linked is the blue neon gobys i was thinking of buying, ive already got 2 peacocks thats now fully grown adults (stunning fish) bought them when they were just fry and they thrived on flake and frozen bloodworm, if the killifish only live for a year i wont bother with them tbh, im gonna remove all plants from tank before i buy any more fish too, …
Killifish And Gourami? | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
2020年7月27日 · I was going to either get the Aphyosemion Australe Killifish or Bluefin Notho Killifish. Thanks in advance. My tank size is 60x30x30 (55 litre tank ) 33 PM and a 7.5 PH . also would love to see some Pictures of any Killifish especially the ones I …
Bluefin Notho Killifish | Tropical Fish Forums
2012年10月21日 · Google will find everything related to given search query on forum: threads, users, profile posts and so on...
Schooling fish options... | Page 8 | Tropical Fish Forums
2021年9月2日 · Actually there are also many centerpiece fish for you to choose. Some of them are: 1)Apistogramma Borelli 2)Honey Gourami 3)Killifish - Bluefin Notho Avoid Golden Panchax Killifish that will grow large and can eat small fish...
Hi | Tropical Fish Forums
2023年1月30日 · Hi folks, I have got a 300L tank only had it 2 months and stumbled across this site while looking to pinch some great ideas on looking after my fish. I have only got 10 black neon's at the mo. I have a Aqua One Ocellaris 1400 pump and filter with 2 heaters in my tank one either side. I am...
Corydoras pygmaeus colony breeding, surprise! - Fish Forum
2021年9月3日 · Try the Bluefin Notho. But avoid the Striped Panchax(Golden Killifish) which will grow to quite large and will eat small fish. Learn Everything You Need to Know About the Killifish
Schooling fish options... | Page 7 | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
2021年9月6日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
Discus | Tropical Fish Forums
2006年8月4日 · Well I am planning to have a school of 6 Blue Discus along with many other fish in a 90 gallon tank. I have been researching alot on Discus in the last previous months. But I would appreciate if I can learn more on any advice on keeping discus.
Killifish choices? | Fish Forum
2017年12月15日 · Hello everybody! So, I was thinking about getting a killifish in the future. Is someone able to tell me, what types are the best for a killifish beginner, the tank setup, care, and where to get them? Currently I have a 10 gallon tank with a nice HOB filter. Also, are the Corydoras aeneus...
Fish Stocking | Page 3 | Tropical Fish Forums
2020年10月16日 · Very few aquarium fish are bred in the UK. Most come from Asia where water, heat and labour are cheap. Some come from Germany and some are locally bred, but the number of local bred fish is tiny (probably less than 1%). A GH of 125ppm is at the top end of soft water and is fine for tetras...