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    What Is Chronic Thrombosis? - Healthline

    • Chronic thrombosis is a blood clot in a deep vein that has lasted for at least a month. It can be difficult to treat and can lead to scarring and vein damage. Treatment may involve compression stockings, medic… 展开

    What is chronic thrombosis?

    A blood clot that has formed in a deep vein and lasted for at least a month is called chronic thrombosis. Clots of this type harden and can then damage the vein walls and valves and c… 展开

    What are the symptoms of chronic thrombosis?

    Chronic thrombosis doesn’t always cause symptoms. When symptoms occur, they c… 展开

    How is chronic thrombosis diagnosed?

    Healthcare professionals might order the following tests to help them confirm a diagnosis of chronic thrombosis:
    •Duplex ultrasound: This type of ultrasound uses sound wav… 展开

    What’s the treatment for chronic thrombosis?

    There are several treatment options for chronic thrombosis. The right treatment option for you will depend on factors such as the location and severity of your clot, your overall heal… 展开
