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  1. Copilot 答案

    How To Build a Round Patio With a Fire Pit - This Old …

    • Building a circular patio with a fire pit can turn your outdoor space into a cozy gathering spot for family and friends. This project requires skill and effort, but the result is a beautiful backyard addition.… 展开

    Preparing The Patio Site

    A well-prepared site prevents problems such as uneven settling and poor drainage, which can damage your patio’s integrity. 展开

    This Old House
    Laying Out The Patio

    With the site prepared, you can lay out your circular patio. You’ll need to carefully plan the patio’s dimensions and alignment, as a poorly laid-out patio can cause water pooling and stru… 展开

    This Old House
    Installing The Pavers For The Patio

    With the layout complete, you can begin installing the pavers to create your circular patio. This step requires attention to detail and patience for a professional-looking finish.… 展开

    This Old House
    Building The Fire Pit

    The fire pit serves as your patio’s focal point, providing warmth and ambiance for gatherings. 1. Lay out the first course of fire pit pavers in the patio center. Arrange them in a circular patt… 展开

    This Old House
    Finishing Touches For Your Patio

    The following finishing touches will tie your entire patio project together and make your space more functional. 展开

    This Old House