Books - Institute for Creation Research
If you love to read, this is the place for you. Here you'll find some of the most useful written material pertaining to creation science.
ICR - Institute for Creation Research
Digital Media from Institute for Creation Research including video, audio, eBooks that are all available for immediate download upon purchase.
Pack: Science for Kids Full Set - Institute for Creation Research
This pack contains two resources designed for children. Full of information and beautifully illustrated, these books will bring joy to any budding scientists!
What is Creation Science - Institute for Creation Research
Many Christians are not aware that a growing number of legitimate scientists now embrace the Genesis explanation of origins. In What is Creation Science?, two of the most respected members of that group have given us the benefit of their knowledge.
Creation Basics & Beyond, 2nd Ed. - Institute for Creation Research
Creation Basics & Beyond offers a thorough introduction to the basic issues involved in the creation-evolution debate. Written by ICR's team of scientists and scholars, this revised and expanded edition offers the most up-to-date science impacting the questions of origins.
Guide to Dinosaurs - Institute for Creation Research
ICR's Guide to Dinosaurs challenges the evolutionary model that pervades the study of dinosaurs and presents a biblically minded interpretation backed by solid science. Dinosaurs were amazing creatures.
About ICR - Institute for Creation Research
ICR produces and/or publishes books, films, periodicals, and other media for communicating the evidence and information related to its research and education to its constituents and to the public in general.
Pack: Little Creation Books - Institute for Creation Research
Explore God's very good creation in this set of six sturdy little books that introduce our youngest children to their very big Creator!
The Genesis Flood, 50th Anniversary Edition - Institute for Creation ...
Over 50 years ago, Henry Morris and John Whitcomb joined together to write a controversial book that sparked dialogue and debate on Darwin and Jesus, science and the Bible, evolution and creation-culminating in what would later be called the …
Dr. Henry Morris - Institute for Creation Research
Dr. Morris wrote extensively on creation science and evolution, producing definitive works such as Scientific Creationism (1974), The Genesis Record (1976), The Revelation Record (1983), The Biblical Basis for Modern Science (1984), Science and …