Dark type Pokémon - Pokémon Database
The strengths and weaknesses of the Dark type in the Pokémon games, and a list of Dark-type Pokémon.
Pokémon type chart: strengths and weaknesses - Pokémon Database
The full type chart here displays the strengths and weaknesses of each type. Look down the left hand side for the attacking type, then move across to see how effective it is against each …
Pokémon dual-type charts | Pokémon Database
A set of charts for each Pokémon type, detailing their strengths against every type combination.
Ghost type Pokémon - Pokémon Database
When paired with the Dark type it was the only type combination to have no weaknesses before the Fairy type was introduced in Gen 6. In Generations 1-3 , all Ghost type moves were …
Fighting type Pokémon - Pokémon Database
The strengths and weaknesses of the Fighting type in the Pokémon games, and a list of Fighting-type Pokémon.
Fairy type Pokémon - Pokémon Database
The strengths and weaknesses of the Fairy type in the Pokémon games, and a list of Fairy-type Pokémon.
Pangoro Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations
Pangoro is a Fighting/Dark type Pokémon introduced in Generation 6. Pangoro is a cantankerous Pokémon, but it has a strong heart and doesn't forgive those who pick on the weak.
Steel type Pokémon - Pokémon Database
It is the strongest type defensively, with 10 types being not very effective against it and the Poison type having no effect. From Pokémon X/Y onwards, it lost its Ghost and Dark resistance, those …
Water type Pokémon - Pokémon Database
Water is the most common type with over 150 Pokémon, which are based on a wide variety of fish and other sea-dwelling creatures. As of Generation 6, Water has been paired with every other …
Bug type Pokémon - Pokémon Database
The strengths and weaknesses of the Bug type in the Pokémon games, and a list of Bug-type Pokémon.