Edward Feser
4 天之前 · Edward Feser I am a writer and philosopher living in Los Angeles. I teach philosophy at Pasadena City College. My primary academic research interests are in the philosophy of mind, moral and political philosophy, and philosophy of religion.
Edward Feser: Immortal Souls now available
2024年10月8日 · “Feser defends the Aristotelian and Thomistic system, effectively bringing it into dialogue with recent debates and drawing on some of the best of both analytic (Kripke, Searle, BonJour, Fodor) and phenomenological (Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Dreyfus) philosophy.
Edward Feser: Progressive Catholics and capital punishment
2024年10月27日 · One of Ed's central points is that if you pay attention to the Catholic tradition taken as a whole (rather than just the flavor of the day), then being a good, faithful Catholic requires adherence to the in-principle permissibility of the death penalty.
Edward Feser: The metaphysics of the will - Blogger
2019年7月9日 · Edward Feser I am a writer and philosopher living in Los Angeles. I teach philosophy at Pasadena City College. My primary academic research interests are in the philosophy of mind, moral and political philosophy, and philosophy of religion.
Edward Feser: Immortal Souls - Blogger
2024年5月14日 · “Feser defends the Aristotelian and Thomistic system, effectively bringing it into dialogue with recent debates and drawing on some of the best of both analytic (Kripke, Searle, BonJour, Fodor) and phenomenological (Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Dreyfus) philosophy. He deftly rebuts objections to Thomism, both ancient and modern.
Edward Feser: Capital punishment and the law of nations - Blogger
2023年5月17日 · For those following at home, the reason Ed focuses on the death penalty is due *primarily* to the theological implications of the discussion for the Church's teaching authority. While he agrees with the use of the death penalty as such, that isn't what predominantly motivates the project, and he's been pretty clear about this throughout.
Edward Feser: The road from atheism - Blogger
2012年7月17日 · 'As to Feser, Aquinas and Aristotle, I agree that if you accept their functional definitions of things, you can arrive at a category of thing called "soul," but I disagree that in any respect any of them have successfully logically proved the existence of anything non-material.
Edward Feser: The metaphysical presuppositions of formal logic
2021年7月13日 · Feser: "For when we formulate the propositions of physical theory using predicate logic, we need to quantify over not only present events but also past and future events. And if the existential quantifier asserts the existence of a thing, then physical theory is thereby made to seem to assert the existence of past and future events no less than ...
Edward Feser: The metaphysics of individualism - Blogger
2024年3月15日 · If you are merely assuming that either there is no such thing as an immaterial soul, or that it cannot survive death, then your position is at odds with the premises of Feser's OP.
Edward Feser: Gilson on philosophy and its history
2024年12月18日 · Dr. Feser, Have you ever written your thoughts about Gilson’s Thomism contrasted with that of Lagrange? I have seen places where you mention the difference, and that you have thoughts, but, I have never seen a place where you …