Mycroft Holmes - Wikipedia
Mycroft Holmes is a fictional character appearing in stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle from 1893 to 1908. [1] The elder brother (by seven years) of detective Sherlock Holmes, he is a government official and a founding member of the Diogenes Club. Mycroft is described as having abilities of deduction and knowledge exceeding even those of ...
迈克洛夫特·福尔摩斯 - 百度百科
迈克洛夫特·福尔摩斯,又译麦考夫,是名侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯的哥哥,比夏洛克·福尔摩斯大7岁。 他是伦敦最古怪的俱乐部第欧根尼俱乐部发起人,这个俱乐部除了陌生人房间外其他房间均不可以说话。
迈克罗夫特·福尔摩斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
迈克罗夫特·福尔摩斯 (英语: Mycroft Holmes),是 英国 著名 侦探小说 家 柯南·道尔 笔下的一个人物。 英国内阁长官、 第欧根尼俱乐部 创始成员。 他是大侦探 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 的长兄,比弟弟大7岁。 时常将有关国际间谍的案件交给弟弟夏洛克·福尔摩斯的侦探社处理。 书中的迈克罗夫特·福尔摩斯(也译作麦考夫·福尔摩斯)被描述成一个高而胖的中年人,有一双像 海豹 掌一样的大手。 他拥有更胜于夏洛克·福尔摩斯的观察力和推理能力,是一个在背后默默的为夏洛克·福尔摩 …
邁克羅夫特·福爾摩斯 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
邁克羅夫特·福爾摩斯 (英語: Mycroft Holmes),是 英國 著名 偵探小說 家 柯南·道爾 筆下的一個人物。 英國內閣長官、 第歐根尼俱樂部 創始成員。 他是大偵探 夏洛克·福爾摩斯 的長兄,比弟弟大7歲。 時常將有關國際間諜的案件交給弟弟夏洛克·福爾摩斯的偵探社處理。 書中的邁克羅夫特·福爾摩斯(也譯作麥考夫·福爾摩斯)被描述成一個高而胖的中年人,有一雙像 海豹 掌一樣的大手。 他擁有更勝於夏洛克·福爾摩斯的觀察力和推理能力,是一個在背後默默的為夏洛克·福爾摩 …
The Mycroft Holmes Society - people.morrisville.edu
The Mycroft Holmes Society Press is pleased to announce the publication of The Firearms of Sherlock Holmes, 2nd edition. Written and illustrated by Eugene McGinley. The second edition distinguishes itself by an expanded section on air guns. 50 pages, comb bound in wrappers.
Mycroft Holmes - The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
There has never been anything like it before, nor will be again. He has the tidiest and most orderly brain, with the greatest capacity for storing facts, of any man living. The same great powers which his brother have turned to the detection of crime he has used for this particular business.
Mycroft Holmes
Mycroft Holmes is the elder brother of the famous detective (by seven years). By profession, a senior British Government official he appears in a series of different Conan Doyle stories between 1893 and 1908.
Mycroft Holmes | Tardis - Fandom
In their version, Mycroft Holmes, played by Gatiss himself, is a major character, featuring in twelve of the thirteen episodes so far. Mycroft has been played by Peter Jeffrey, Jerome Willis, Richard E. Grant, Derek Francis, Stephen Fry and John Sessions.
Mycroft Holmes | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
Standard Equipment: His umbrella, which houses a rapier and a single-shot pistol. Intelligence : Extraordinary Genius . (Mycroft is immensely intelligent and possesses incredible analytical and deduction abilities that surpass even his younger brother Sherlock , with Sherlock saying he has always been the "smart one" between them [1] and, as ...
Mycroft Holmes - Elementary Wiki
Mycroft Holmes is the older brother of Sherlock Holmes and eldest son of Morland Holmes. He worked as a restaurateur and an operative in MI6. He had been estranged from Sherlock for years, due to Sherlock's affair with his fiancé. Mycroft suffered from leukemia and afterwards was looking to improve his relationship with Sherlock.