Ezekiel's Wheel within Wheel Vision - Bible Study
The second facet was dreadful and had high rings. It is not clear whether, in regard to its shape, it means the ring depth or the large spoke size. It is important to note regarding this subject that …
Beryls in the Bible - Bible Study
In Ezekiel's well-known "wheel in a wheel" vision of God's glory and throne, he sees things colored like a beryl stone. The appearance of the wheels and their workmanship was the color …
The Life of Ezekiel the Prophet - Bible Study
The prophet wrote his book from 597 to 570 B.C., which overlapped the ministries of Jeremiah (627 to 585), Daniel (605 to 530) and the Minor Prophets Joel (596 to 586) and Obadiah (590 …
Meaning of the Number 4 in the Bible - Bible Study
In Ezekiel's well-known and awesome "wheel in the middle of a wheel" vision (Ezekiel 1, 10) he sees 4 living creatures transporting God's throne. Also out of its midst came the likeness of …
Symbols of the Gospel Writers - Bible Study
"As early as the second century, Christian writers sought in Ezechiel's (Ezekiel's) vision (Ezekiel 1:5) and in Apocalypse (Revelation 4:6 - 10) symbolical representations of the Four …
Definition of Chebar in the Bible - Bible Study
And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the color of a …
Definition of Idumea in the Bible - Bible Study
Idumea (Idumaea, Idumaean) Bible Meaning: Red or Edom (Old Testament) Name of region (New Testament) Strong's Concordance #H123, #G2401
What Is Ezekiel's Bread? - Bible Study
Instead, Ezekiel's bread speaks of scarcity and the need to gather up whatever scraps can be found in order to survive. Such a loaf of poverty and affliction should not be reproduced in …
Why Did Isaiah Preach Naked? - Bible Study
As you can see, the God of the Universe had a reason for telling Isaiah to do this. He was giving a sign and warning to the Egyptians and Ethiopians that would make them afraid to do the things …
Definition of Elam in the Bible - Bible Study
Elam Bible Meaning: Hidden, distant, eternity (Elam) Their heaps (Elamites) Strong's Concordance #H5867, 5962, #G1639