what are the symptoms of a femoral stress fracture?
2006年9月7日 · I think i have a femoral stress fracture, and i'm going to a doctor later this week, but want to hear what symptoms people with this have had. i'm having a deep pain in the front …
Anyone know what a femur stress reaction/fracture feels like?
2011年5月17日 · A few days before incurring a stress fracture in the shaft of my femur, I also had a deep, dull discomfort in my thigh, which I attributed to my quad. It didn't keep me from …
2005年11月4日 · I was diagnosed with stress fracture along the medial shaft of my femur late may, but i had seriously hurt it in mid-april during a 1500. At first, the MD saw me for like 3 …
hip flexor strain vs. femoral neck stress fracture - LetsRun.com
2009年2月27日 · To the point that I was sure that my first femoral stress fracture was really just a hip flexor strain. Don't mess around with this, go to a doctor and get an MRI. It can see soft …
Femoral Stress Fracture - LetsRun.com
2009年4月27日 · I have had two femoral stress fractures. The first was near the femoral neck, the second was about 1/3 of up from the knee. Are you planning on getting any more MRI results?
Femur stress fracture - LetsRun.com
2022年2月15日 · When in the rabbit hole of research on my quad injury which is most likely a femoral stress fracture (I have MRI tomorrow) I found lots of great...
Does this sound like a Femoral Stress Fracture/Reaction?
2014年6月22日 · I am worried that I might be having signs of a femoral neck stress fracture. Here is my cross country prep so far: 44.645.4(one day off)57.469.250(started...
Devastating Femur Stress Fracture for Simeon Birnbaum
2024年4月10日 · It seems that femoral stress fractures were very rare 10-15 years ago and are prevalent now. On the flip side, fractures in the lower leg (tibia/fibula) seem to be less common.
Can you Answer this stress fracture question - LetsRun.com
2016年9月20日 · How likely is a distal femur bone stress fracture, and can you do the fulcrum test for a distal femur stress fracture, and lastly what are the symptoms of...
Still recovering from femoral neck stress fracture
2010年5月14日 · Hi Tom3, Yes, I do remember feeling a lot of really odd pains/aches during the healing process. From my experiences, and the experiences of other people I know with stress …