Think Hazard - Kullu - Urban flood
Local flood zoning information, typically from government planning departments, can indicate the likely flood hazard for specific locations. Local scale flood hazard maps can estimate the likelihood of flooding at a given location. Flood hazard maps may be available from government agencies or through local consultants and may be available at a ...
Natural disasters like earthquake, landslide, flash-flood, flood, drought and cloud burst affect life, property and environment. Such events hamper the normal
Disaster Management Documents | District Kullu | India
Name of Document Download /Link District Disaster Management Plan, Kullu Download (5mb) District Emergency Operation Center Download (732kb) District Profile Download (344kb) Hazard-Profile Download (904kb) IRT-Kullu-Notification Download (3mb) Organizational Structure Download (205kb) SOPs Download (450kb)
Think Hazard - Kullu - River flood
River flood Hazard level: Very low? In the area you have selected (Kullu) river flood hazard is classified as very low based on modeled flood information currently available to this tool. This means that there is a chance of less than 1% that potentially damaging and life-threatening river floods occur in the coming 10 years (return period of c ...
Kullu, Turkey Flood Map: Elevation Map, Sea Level Rise Map
Kullu, Turkey Flood Map can help to locate places at higher levels to escape from floods or in flood rescue/flood relief operation. It can also provide floodplain map and floodline map for streams and rivers.
Hazard Profile of District Kullu in Recent Past There Has Been an ...
According to the seismic zoning map of the state 53.1 % area of Kullu is liable to the severest designed Intensity of MSK IX or more. Table 4 depicts seismic intensity of district Kullu and figure 3 below illustrates the seismic prone area of the district.
Flood Hazard Atlas - National Remote Sensing Centre
Floods are a major disaster in India. Flood hazard assesment and maping is used to identify various areas that are affected. Flood Hazard Zonation Maps are used improve flood risk management. Flood Zonation Maps are crucial for planning, observing and taking effective measures for preventing/minimising the life and property loss during floods in India. NRSC (National Remote Sensing Center ...
National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organisation
NSA- Natural Hazards; NSA- Natural Vegetation; NSA- Pulses; NSA- Non-Metal Based Industries; NSA- Non-Metallic Minerals; ... Map Services/Atlas: District Planning Map Series. Himachal Pradesh. Data and Resources. Kullu jpeg. Kullu. Field ... Kullu_DPMS. Name of Dataset: Kullu. Theme: District Planning Map Series-All. Data Type: Raster.
Current Status of Vulnerability
The flood hazard vulnerability map indicates that the areas falling in the districts of Chamba, Kullu ,Una and Kinnaur falls in high vulnerable districts where as the Lahaul & Spiti, Mandi, Shimla , Kangra,Hamirpur, Bilaspur, Solan and Sirmour falls in moderate and low vulnerability areas.
Disaster Management | District Kullu | India
Jan 15, 2025 · Kullu district is situated in the lap of the western Himalayas. It falls in a transitional zone between the lesser and the greater Himalayas and presents a typical rugged mountainous terrain with moderate to high altitude which varies from 1200 meters to over 6000 meters.