The Fox Film Corporation (also known as Fox Studios) was an American independent company that produced motion pictures and was formed in 1915 by the theater "chain" pioneer William …
This is a list of feature films produced by the Fox Film Corporation, including those produced by the Box Office Attractions Company, its corporate predecessor. Some of the later films in this …
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation is a subsidiary of Fox Inc., which is owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation Ltd. Throughout its long history, the company has …
This is a list of films produced by 20th Century Fox (now 20th Century Studios [ 1 ]) from 2000 to 2020. Dude, Where's My Car? Moulin Rouge! Nominee of the Academy Award for Best …
The Fox Film Corporation (also known as Fox Studios) was an American independent film production studio formed by William Fox (1879–1952) in 1915, by combining his earlier …
The Fox Film Corporation was an independent film production company that was formed on February 1, 1915 by the theater "chain" pioneer William Fox by merging two companies he …
20th Century Studios, Inc. (formerly known from 1915 to 1935 as Fox Film, 1933 to 1935 as 20th Century Pictures 1935 to 1985 and 1985 to 2020 (and informally) as 20th Century Fox or …