Helghast - Killzone Wiki
The Helghast are a race of mutated pale-skinned humans with increased strength, stamina, intelligence and height. They are the descendants of Helghan Corporation personnel and loyal …
Helghast Army - Killzone Wiki
The Helghast Army was the main military force of the Helghan Empire. The Army's earliest origins traced back to the Helghan Corporation's militias, which policed the Alpha Centauri system …
Joseph Lente | Killzone Wiki - Fandom
General of the Army Joseph Lente is the secondary antagonist of Killzone. He is the commander of the Helghast Third Army, and answered only to the direct authority of the Helghast leader, …
Characters in Killzone - TV Tropes
General Metrac is the General of the Helghast Military during the invasion of southern Vekta, whereas Benoit is the commander of the Phantom Talon Corp. hailing from Earth. General …
Joseph Lente | Villains Wiki | Fandom
General Joseph Lente is a General of the Helghast Military and the secondary antagonist of Killzone. He is the Commander of the Helghast Third Army and is loyal to Scolar Visari and …
PS3《杀戮地带》系列人物完全分析 - 游民星空
2009年3月16日 · General Joseph Lente Lente将军是Helghast第三军队指挥官,掌管进攻Vekta的Helghast军队。 他拥有很强的指挥能力,总能把军队指到正确的地方战斗并且获得胜利。
Helghast Third Army | ISA Helghast Central Wiki | Fandom
The Helghast Third Army, also known as the Third Shock Army, stood as a symbol of Helghan's military might during the Second Extrasolar War. Under the command of the formidable …
Helghast Army | ISA Helghast Central Wiki - Fandom
At some point after the settlement of Helghan, the reformed Helghast Administration established a standing army to protect itself and enforce its authority. With the approval of the Army and its …
Helghasts - Villains Wiki | Fandom
The Helghast are the main antagonists of the Killzone franchise. They are an alien race and an offshoot of the human race on Earth. They started off as desperate human colonists fleeing …
Stuart Adams | Killzone Wiki - Fandom
Lieutenant General Stuart Adams is the main antagonist of Killzone. He was an officer of the Vektan ISA and was in charge of the SD weapons platform during the outbreak of the Second …