哥伦布,俄亥俄州附近的结果 ·
  1. 吉尔吉斯共和国,简称吉尔吉斯斯坦,是一个位于中亚的内陆国家。吉尔吉斯斯坦北边与哈萨克斯坦相接,西边则为乌兹别克斯坦,西南为塔吉克斯坦,东边紧邻中国大陆。比什凯克是吉尔吉斯斯坦的首都和最大城市。吉尔吉斯斯坦是世界上距离海洋最远的国家,其国土距离最近的海岸线有约2,600公里。 作为中亚古国,吉尔吉斯斯坦历史达两千年,经历各种王朝与文化。因其被山峦环绕而相对孤立,其文化得以较好传承;又因地理位置,处于多个文化交汇点。尽管众多部落族群在吉尔吉斯斯坦居住已久,但时有外来势力入侵统治。直至1991年从原苏联独立后,吉尔吉斯斯坦成为一个拥有独立主权的民族国家。政治体制为单一制和总统制。吉尔吉斯斯坦至今仍时有民族冲突、叛乱以及经济问题。现为独联体、欧亚经济联盟和集体安全条约组织成员国;同时也是上海合作组织、伊斯兰合作组织、突厥议会和突厥文化国际组织成员国。
    首都 暨最大城市比什凯克
    官方语言吉尔吉斯语国语) · 俄语(官方语言)
  1. 8 wild and beautiful places in Kyrgyzstan - National Geographic

  2. Kyrgyzstan nature

  3. Discover Nomadic listyles - Kyrgyz Nature Travel Company

  4. THE 10 BEST Kyrgyzstan Nature & Wildlife Areas

     · kegen / karkara valley is the most common border crossing for individuals traveling from saty (kazakhstan) to karakol (kyrgyzstan) or vv. the views are scenic, especially on the kyrgyzstan side border crossing procedure …

  5. 22 of the Most Stunning Places to Visit in Kyrgyzstan

  6. 12 Picture-Perfect Places in Kyrgyzstan You Can’t Miss

    2025年1月12日 · Kyrgyzstan is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural experiences. Some must-visit destinations include the serene Issyk Kul Lake, the historical city of Osh, the therapeutic hot springs of Altyn Arashan, and the …

  7. Saymaluu-Tash - Wikipedia

  8. Nature of Kyrgyzstan - Advantour

    Find out about amazing nature of Kyrgyzstan, which is 94% covered by mountains with hundreds of lakes, among which there is the world's second largest saline lake Issyk kul.

  9. Visit Kyrgyz

    From intriguing cuisine to breathtaking nature, your next adventure is waiting for you in the Kyrgyz Republic

  10. Explore Kyrgyzstan's Nature - Minzifa Travel

    2021年3月3日 · Known for its beautiful, overflowing mountains, with over 1,900 alpine lakes resting within the peaks like gems, the Kyrgyzstan lakes are worth a mention. Kyrgyzstan has a beautiful backdrop and is a resting piece for those …