Long vowel worksheets where students are given an array of words (no pictures) and are asked to say them aloud and circle the words with long vowel sounds. Part of a collection of free phonics worksheets from K5 Learning.
Long Vowels Worksheets. Here are our kindergarten phonics worksheets on identifying long vowels, like the 'a' in 'cake'. Students circle the pictures of words with long vowel sounds. There is one worksheet for each vowel.
Phonics worksheets where students are asked to write in the letter to make a long vowel sound for pictured words. 5 worksheets; one for each vowel a-u. Free preschool and kindergarten worksheets from K5 Learning.
Free vowel worksheets. The letters A, E, I, O and U are vowels. These phonics worksheets introduce students to short and long vowels, vowel blends, r-controlled vowels and digraphs.
Long Vowels Kindergarten Vowels Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 www.k5learning.com Circle the pictures that have a long vowel A sound in them. Long Aas in Bat Snake Skate Whale Cap Rainbow cake.
Long Vowels Kindergarten Vowels Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 www.k5learning.com Look at the pictures and say the word. Write the correct letter to complete each word. rake mail rake snail paper crayon angel
Long vowels: Fill in the blank Grade 2 Phonics Worksheet Fill in the story’s blanks with the long vowel words. Two words should not be used! The Bake Sale _____ is excited. Her class is having a _____ sale tomorrow! When she gets _____ from school, she bakes a _____ with her dad.
Long Vowels Kindergarten Vowels Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 www.k5learning.com Look at the words and say them out loud. Circle the ones that contain a long vowel A. rake eagle game plate grape apple ball paint man cat hat flat train ham hand mask. Title:
Long Vowels Kindergarten Vowels Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 www.k5learning.com Look at the pictures and say the word. Write the correct letter to complete each word. seal rake peas queen key wheel leaf
Long Vowels Kindergarten Vowels Worksheet Online reading & math for K-5 www.k5learning.com Circle the pictures that have a long vowel U sound in them. Long U as in Sun Unicorn Tub Bulb Cube Uniforms music.