Necrotic gallbladder perforated my liver - Patient
2017年5月30日 · Hi Kelly, in dec 2017 I was rushed to hospital with severe abdominal pains..a ct scan was done and straight away I was prepared for emergency surgery to remove my necrotic, perforated gallbladder..All was well until 14 days post op when after having the clips removed my wound completely opened up due to a build up of infection...4 litres in fact !.. again I was prepared for emergency surgery ...
Gall bladder attached to liver | Gallbladder Problems | Forums
2015年7月1日 · A month later I went to see the surgeon for a follow up and asked for more detail and he said that besides the gallbladder being very adhered to the Liver, there was hematoma and an abscess that had developed between gallbladder and liver. Like Karla I seem to have the experience of being shielded from the actual facts at the time.
Clear ultrasound. Please help | Gallbladder Problems | Forums
2016年8月10日 · After an hour of exhaustive and detailed ultrasound examination, I was informed that my gallbladder was half necrotic, infected, and swollen, and also that my pancreas had a blockage that led to pancreatitis. Along with this, I was told that I had a large gallstone lodged in the common duct and a few more still in the gallbladder.
I’m becoming severely depressed with my gallbladder pains
Don’t end up like me with an infected, inflamed, necrotic gallbladder. They should be giving you morphine for the pain - not paracetamol. Hope you get it sorted soon. Mine is out 5 days now and i’m So pleased it’s gone xx
Gallbladder issues | Gallbladder Problems | Forums - Patient
Im 28 and am waiting have my gallbladder removed i have been rushed into hospital a few times now due to it causing me very bad pain so much i couldnt move. Im a manager of a pub and havent been able to have time off work due to this.
3 weeks post op gallbladder removal & still have pain
2015年2月25日 · i recently had gallbladder removed (laparoscopy)due to g/b flare up's & having large stone which was seen on previous ultrasound. x3 weeks now since had op, which the Dr removed thickened wall gallbladder. but no mention of large stone.? first x2 weeks I've been in discomfort & burning,on upper abdomen across top & left side..
Gallbladder surgery 1 day ago | Gallbladder Problems | Forums
I had my gallbladder out yesterday done by keyhole surgery with a tap block before. When I got home, I felt pretty good, but today after the block wore off, the pain has been very bad. Very hard getting up, prob a lot of gas pain. Started taking ibruprofen in between the Percocet which seems to be helping a little. Anyone else worse on day 2?
Dealing with PCOS | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | Forums - Patient
2019年10月7日 · When I started collasping in horrendous pain, vomiting pure bile and fainting, I was finally taken seriously and sent for tests. Prior, we were told it was end of school stress. One day, my grandpa came home and found me unconscious on the floor, vomit out my mouth. I had emergency surgery that night for a necrotic gallbladder.
gallbladder | Gallbladder Problems | Forums - Patient
I have gallstones and have had an infected gallbladder which im told is ok now. also been tested for jaundice but told im clear. just wanted to know if anybody knows of the stages of this illness and anything i need to look out for while waiting for surgery.
’m very worried? Left sided gallbladder pain - Patient
2017年12月12日 · I used to drink a few beers every day after work so I thought the pain was my liver and booked to have a private fibroscan done and it came bk 6.1. A perfect score. So I can rule the liver out. I had i ultra sound about a year ago it showed I had a polyp on my gallbladder but have have been to busy with work to really do any thing about it.