Ostial | definition of ostial by Medical dictionary
One patient with a transected proximal (ostial) vertebral artery, with a false aneurysm and an arteriovenous fistula, was included as a subclavian injury.
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2024年7月1日 · Ostial Corporation (Ostial), a private medical technology company focused on addressing the clinical challenges of aorto-ostial interventions, today reached a new milestone, …
OSTIAL Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
The meaning of OSTIAL is of or relating to an ostium. How to use ostial in a sentence.
Long-term outcomes following ostial left anterior descending …
Ostial coronary lesions are a unique subset of lesions that carry distinctive technical and procedural challenges during the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The shear stress …
Ostial disease - Wikipedia
Ostial disease, namely coronary ostial stenosis, is the occlusion of coronary ostium. Causing factors include atherosclerosis, syphilis, Kawasaki disease, and Takayasu's arteritis, etc. [1]
Coronary ostial stenosis - wikidoc
Coronary ostial stenosis refers to the narrowing of the ostium part of the coronary arteries. An ostial lesion is defined as a lesion which begins within 3-5 mm of the origin of a major …
Critical coronary artery ostial narrowing and sudden death
Coronary ostial stenosis is an uncommon lesion but one that may be associated with significant and potentially lethal reduction in distal artery blood flow. While most commonly due to …
Understanding Ostial: What Does Ostial Mean in Medicine?
2023年10月25日 · In medicine, the term ostial refers to the opening of a tubular structure that leads into an organ or a vessel. Ostial can refer to various types of tubular structures in the …
Ostial - definition of ostial by The Free Dictionary
Define ostial. ostial synonyms, ostial pronunciation, ostial translation, English dictionary definition of ostial. adj relating to an ostium Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th …
Ostial disease is traditionally defined as a lesion arising within 3 mm of the vessel origin. It may be classified by location as described below: (Figure 1) Aorto-ostial – involving the ostia of the …