Pokémon Renegade Platinum - ROM - NDS ROM Hacks - Project …
2019年4月18日 · Latest Version: v1.3.0 (2019-04-16) An enhancement hack of Pokémon Platinum. Summary Pokémon Renegade Platinum is an enhancement hack of Pokémon Platinum Version, similar to my other hacks such as Sacred Gold & Storm Silver and Blaze Black & Volt White. In a nutshell, this hack generally ...
Pokémon Platinum Redux - ROM - NDS ROM Hacks - Project …
2022年8月15日 · Differentiate Platinum Redux from Renegade Platinum Renegade Platinum is one of the best and most polished Pokémon ROM-Hacks. Every Platinum ROM-Hack will inadvertently be compared to Renegade Platinum. Platinum Redux has a lot of things like quality of life changes in common with Renegade Platinum but there are also massive differences.
Pokemon Perfect Platinum - ROM - NDS ROM Hacks - Project …
2009年4月6日 · Pokémon PERFECT PLATINUM Hack of: Pokemon Platinum Story: Player starts out on their adventure following their overly-hyper childhood friend. In what starts out as just another innocent adventure the player soon finds them self fighting for the fate of the world against the evil Team Galactic in ...
Pokemon Origin Platinum - ROM - NDS ROM Hacks - Project …
2013年4月25日 · Pokemon Origin Platinum is a self-contained hack of Pokemon Platinum developed by Lazerith and inspired by the hacks by Drayano. Origin Platinum features the ability to obtain all 493 Pokemon without having to do any sort of events, trading, or going underground. Features: Pokemon Origin platinum includes the following features:
Pokémon Altered Platinum - Sinnohan Forms ... - Project Pokémon
2022年1月17日 · The game crashes when the first Barry battle begins if you did not use a Revision 1 rom to patch. This is a known issue, and not possible to fix, as this hack was based on Revision 1 of Platinum. Also, since the game's code is different, I cannot guarantee that patches for Renegade Platinum will work correctly with Altered Platinum.
Pokemon Azure Platinum (EN/FR) - Project Pokémon
2024年4月22日 · Pokemon Azure Platinum is the project I've been working on for the last year-or-so! This game makes you rediscover the Sinnoh Region while incorporating elements of the anime series and by making the game harder to give a bigger challenge to the player. In this new adventure, you play as a Pokémo...
Platinum hack: PlatinumQoL - Now compatible with Following …
2022年2月5日 · I did in a rom that i was working. You dont have to add New maps. Just add in like far places like oras did.. Spawn after X event.. Ex: Lugia portal underwater. Etc. Im playing your rom. By far The Best vanilla. Just need think about "complete dex" legendáries.
Platinum hack: Pokémon Platinum Redux - PokeCommunity
2025年1月30日 · Differentiate Platinum Redux from Renegade Platinum: Renegade Platinum is one of the best and most polished Pokémon ROM hacks. Every Platinum ROM hack will inadvertently be compared to Renegade Platinum. Platinum Redux has a lot of things like quality of life changes in common with Renegade Platinum but there are also massive differences.
Pokémon Platinum: Enhanced Edition - ROM - NDS ROM Hacks
2009年5月7日 · Can you provide a proper link because that one dosen't work. EDIT: I got it working . I love the new text in it. It's really good and the Info about the Pokesav and emulators are A Nice Add-on aswel
ROM Hacking Tool and Resource Collection - ROM - Project …
2016年10月17日 · Hello there. When I try to use PPRE to edit abilities of a certain pokémon (let´s say I´m swapping Pachirisu´s Run Away with Lightning Rod) in hackroms such as Renegade Platinum for pure curiosity, the game cannot recognize the change and only accepts either Pick Up or Run Away when Ioad the .nds file in an emulator (the ROM is rewritten correctly according to PPRE but it doesn´t reflects ...