Rubus - Wikipedia
Rubus is a large and diverse genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, subfamily Rosoideae, commonly known as brambles. [3] [4] [5] Fruits of various species are known as raspberries, blackberries, dewberries, and bristleberries.
悬钩子属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
悬钩 子 zǐ 属[4][5] (學名: Rubus)是 蔷薇科 蔷薇亚科 的一 属 植物。 属名 Rubus 源于拉丁语 rubeo,意为“变红的”,指果实呈红色。 本属植物往往俗称 藨 pāo (俗作 泡,如 插田泡 、 空心泡)或 莓 (如 山莓 、 樹莓 、 黑莓)。 落叶半 灌木;茎常有刺;单叶掌状分裂或三数复叶;白色花腋生;红色、暗红色、黄色或黑色圆形 浆果,夏秋成熟。 本属包括以下物种: [6] Rubus violaceifrons P. Havlíček, Trávn. & Velebil[11] ^ 1.0 1.1 Rubus. Germplasm Resources …
覆盆子(Rubus idaeus L.)为灌木,高1—2米;枝褐色或红褐色,幼时被绒毛状短柔毛,疏生皮刺。 小叶3-7枚,长卵形或椭圆形,顶生小叶常卵形,有时浅裂,顶端短渐尖,基部圆形,顶生小叶基部近心形,上面无毛或疏生柔毛,下面密被灰白色绒毛,边缘有不规则粗锯齿或重锯齿;叶柄均被绒毛状短柔毛和稀疏小刺;托叶线形,具短柔毛。 花生于侧枝顶端成短总状花序或少花腋生,总花梗和花梗均密被绒毛状短柔毛和疏密不等的针刺;苞片线形,具短柔毛;花萼外面密被绒毛 …
悬钩子属 - 百度百科
悬钩子属(Rubus L.)是蔷薇科、蔷薇亚科的一个属,常绿灌木、半灌木或多年生匍匐草本;叶互生,单叶、掌状复叶或羽状复叶,边缘常具锯齿或裂片,花两性,聚伞状圆锥花序、总状花序、伞房花序或数朵簇生及单生;花萼5裂,萼片直立或反折,果时宿存;花 ...
Rubus - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Rubus is a large Genus in the rose (Rosaceae) family that includes blackberry, dewberry, and raspberry. Many members of the Genus share the traits of prickles or bristly stems and compound leaves. Flowers and fruit often appear on last season's canes (branches) but some cultivars have been developed that will bloom on current season canes also.
黑莓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
黑莓是黑莓亞屬(学名: Rubus subg. Rubus )多个植物的合称,属薔薇科 懸鉤子屬,为灌木或小乔木,可以長到3公尺(10英呎)高,並生產軟質的果實——常用作甜點、果醬、無子果凍,有時也用來製水果酒。
树莓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
树莓,又称树梅,是 蔷薇科 悬钩子属 的植物。 常见的树莓的物种包括: 空心莓亚属 (英语:Rubus#Scientific classification) (Idaeobatus) 中的树莓包括: 其他亚属但也称树莓的例子: 树莓的英文“raspberry”也可以指 覆盆子 (Rubus idaeus),但后者只是树莓的一种。 广义的树莓包括悬钩子属的部分其他物种。
Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way
Rufus is a utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc. It can be especially useful for cases where: Despite its …
Study on Supergenus Rubus L.: Edible, Medicinal, and …
Rubus L. is one of the most diverse genera belonging to Rosaceae; it consists of more than 700 species with a worldwide distribution. It thus provides an ideal natural “supergenus” for studying the importance of its edible, medicinal, and phylogenetic characteristics for application in our daily lives and fundamental scientific studies.
Rubus idaeus - Wikipedia
Rubus idaeus (raspberry, also called red raspberry or occasionally European red raspberry to distinguish it from other raspberry species) is a red-fruited species of Rubus native to Europe and northern Asia and commonly cultivated in other temperate regions.