UIU Location Dossier: "Site 19" - SCP Foundation
"SCP-999" was discovered by hired HVAC repair worker Benjamin Kondraki 11 in Site 19's ventilation system. The entity appears to be an amorphous mass of sentient slime mold. Despite the potential health hazard the organism potentially poses to staff, the Foundation willingly allows it to roam freely throughout Site-19.
Site-19 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP Foundation Site-19 is an SCP Foundation facility and currently the largest site in operation. It houses hundreds of Safe, Euclid, and Keter class anomalies, along with hundreds of active personnel members. It is the most well-known of the many sites under Foundation control.
Site-19 - SCP Database - scpdb.miraheze.org
SCP Foundation Site-19 is an SCP Foundation facility and currently the largest site in operation. It houses hundreds of Safe, Euclid, and Keter class anomalies, along with hundreds of active personnel members. It is the most well-known of the many sites under Foundation control.
Site-19 - 百度百科
Site-19是SCP基金会的收容设施之一,也是当前运营中的最大站点。 它容纳了数百个Safe和Euclid级异常以及大量员工。 Site-19是基金会控制下的众多站点中最著名的一个。
Site-19 - SCP基金会
2022年3月7日 · 事件概要:约428年72阅111日,收到关于盖布环森林区内出现非法搭建建筑情况,且门牌上均印有“Site-19”。 环卫人员接到举报后赶到现场,称一老式房屋今日出现在森林深处,且昨日巡查时未发现该建筑。
Site-19是如何被炸毁的 - SCP基金会
Site-19的一个紧急出口通向一片森林,并被一个巧妙的空间异常掩盖。 可它现在被大大敞开,将入口露出。 一群士兵藏在附近的灌木丛中。
Site-19 | The SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
SCP Foundation Site-19 is currently the largest site in operation. It houses hundreds of Safe and Euclid -class anomalies and hundreds of personnel. It is the most well-known of the many sites under Foundation control.
Site - 19 Network - Google Sites
Site-19 is an SCP Foundation facility and is currently the largest site in operation. It houses hundreds of Safe and Euclid-Class anomalies and lots of personnel. Site-19 is the most...
The Siege of Site-19 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月9日 · 249 entities are inside of the Site-19 maintenance tunnels without Level 2/TECHNICIAN authorization. 53 entities have appeared on the roof. A large explosion has reduced the integrity of the south wall of the Evereds Building. The current status of Site-19 is as follows: Containment of Euclid-class anomalies is Not Compromised
SCP:BC Official Site - Site-19 history - Google Sites
Site-19 is a research facility that housed SCPs that breached from other facilities, many anomalies were contained there temporarily until they could be transported back to free up the...