Ministries – St. Thomas Aquinas
At St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, we open doors for the faithful to take action in our call to evangelize through participation in the parish-based Ministries and services or the different international and archdiocesan approved lay Organizations listed in this page.
Mass Times – St. Thomas Aquinas
OCIA Becoming Catholic; FF Make a Payment; Elementary School (Grade PK-5th) Good Shepherd & Buen Pastor; Middle School EDGE (Grade 6th-9th) High School LIFE TEEN (Ages 15-19) Confirmation; Young Adults (Age 18-35) Adult Formation; Join a Small Faith Community; Sacraments. Baptism; First Communion; Confirmation; Reconciliation; Marriage ...
Sacraments – St. Thomas Aquinas
There are seven sacraments in the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony.” Sacramental Records: If you have received a sacrament at St. Thomas Aquinas and need a copy of your Sacramental Record, it can be provided for you upon request. Please allow at least 10 days for the ...
Preschool – St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas Preschool embraces children spiritually, emotionally, and socially, nurturing children through play and socialization in a learning environment, and guiding children towards respect and compassion for others in the belief that God …
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church (STA) seeks a Faith Formation Assistant, 20-28 hours week, who can communicate on behalf of the Faith Formation Team in English and Spanish. Assist in the planning and execution of programs, activities, and preparation of
St. Thomas Aquinas’ Confirmation program now consists of two years of sacramental preparation for Candidates. According to the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Atlanta: Candidates must participate in two consecutive years of faith formation leading up to receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. Candidates must also be at least 16 years old or ...
Staff Members – St. Thomas Aquinas - St. Thomas Aquinas …
Cosette Zavaleta . Faith Formation Office Assistant . [email protected] . 770 475 4508 ext. 221
Confirmation – St. Thomas Aquinas
2024年8月28日 · Confirmation is the final sacrament of initiation. This sacrament deepens the gifts received in Baptism and seals us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. St. Thomas Aquinas offers a Confirmation Class to prepare teens for the sacrament using the Purpose Program.
Faith Formation – St. Thomas Aquinas - St. Thomas Aquinas …
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a formation process for adults who wish to be baptized for the first time, for adults from other Christian traditions who wish to inquire about our Catholic way of life, and for those Catholics who seek to complete their Christian Initiation through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
OCIA Becoming Catholic; FF Make a Payment; Elementary School (Grade PK-5th) Good Shepherd & Buen Pastor; Middle School EDGE (Grade 6th-9th) High School LIFE TEEN (Ages 15-19) Confirmation; Young Adults (Age 18-35) Adult Formation; Join a Small Faith Community; Sacraments. Baptism; First Communion; Confirmation; Reconciliation; Marriage ...