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- SWIMMERETS in the crayfish are the paired ventral abdominal appendages which beat in a metachronal rhythm during behaviours such as swimming and burrow ventilation.了解详细信息:SWIMMERETS in the crayfish are the paired ventral abdominal appendages which beat in a metachronal rhythm during behaviours such as swimming and burrow ventilation.www.nature.com/articles/275231a0During forward swimming, crayfish and other long-tailed crustaceans rhythmically move four pairs of limbs called swimmerets to propel themselves through the water.pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29569056/Pleopods (or the smaller appendages) are attached to the segments of the abdomen, they are often called swimmerets. Abdomen is the main muscle that allows crayfish to swim.aquariumbreeder.com/crayfish-external-anatomy/
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2019年2月19日 · Learn how the crayfish swimmerets produce rhythmic movements by a network of neurons in the abdominal ganglia. See diagrams, videos, and examples of motor neurons, interneurons, and command neurons …
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2014年11月25日 · The swimmerets of the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, occur in pairs from the second to the fifth abdominal segment, with one limb on each side of the abdomen 7
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